"Director you're closer than any of our subs if you scramble that jet-" another male voice urged

"-That is the island of Manhattan councilman! Until I'm certain my team can't hold it, I will not order a nuclear strike against a civilian population!" Fury exclaimed fiercely

"If we don't hold them there we lose everything!" The councilman asserted back with the others agreeing silently

"I send that bird out we already have" Nick abruptly ends the call with a frown on his face, his own everything was on that island and he will never let that nuke happen

The avengers worked hard to save as many people as they could, but they were not enough. The aliens were too many and not all of them chose to stay in the heart of the city.

"HELP!" A man screamed running away from a Chitauri that was on foot holding a gun-spear. A person jumped in the alien's way and blocked the thing from piercing the civilian. Behind them, another person stabbed the Chitauri from behind.

"Thanks, Piper," the demigod said after the civilian was out of harm's way

"No problem Michael. How are things on this part of the city?"

"The Chitauri are very vicious. But we are managing. They are as stupid as any other monster. How's it going over on your side?"
Piper turned back to see the force that was named Clarisse and hummed "Looks pretty good. But the buildings are the problem. We can take the army, but the flying whale things are destroying everything and the debris are crushing entrances and people"

"Dam it, darn flying lizards, at least the Titans didn't have flying monsters when we fought them here!"
"I've been told such. I am always so amazed when I hear the stories. You guys were amazing"
Michael huffed "Says the demigod who was part of The Seven. Does your Charmspeak work on those lizards?"
"Nope, it's like they are all connection together or something, it's too strong of a bond to get them individually."

In another part of the city, a SHIELD Agent was using a bronze sword to fight the Chitaruri. Percy who had a comm in his ear was listening to Tony who said he brought a party.
"Uh, guys?" He said slashing a Chitauri to the ground and Annabeth looked at him "I think the problem of those flying whale lizards is gonna get solved. soon"
On cue, Hulk smashed the whale lizard into a pulp with one punch.

"Whoa. Frank, do you think you can turn into that?"
"Uh- No?"
"Uh- the Hulk is... Different he's not an animal or an imaginary creature... it's like trying to turn into a Cyclops. You can't turn into anything that already exists in like a mythical way?"
"Huh. So you can turn into Godzilla but not a Hulk that's basically the same?"
"It's not like that Leo, we already had this conversation-"

"Incoming aliens! They have guns!" Conner shouted. He threw a Greek firebomb as some but missed the rest.
From behind lighting zapped the flying aliens into a crisp. "Thanks, Jason!"
"No problem!" and he flew by to help another group

"You go Superboy!"


Natasha was flying the Chitauri vehicle when something shoots past her "Oh you" she said as a horned figure zoomed past. "Hawkeye," she said as Loki grinned following her and shooting in her direction.

"Nat, what are you doing?"
"Uh, a little help?"
Clint Barton who wanted to do this for a while aimed his weapon on Loki "I got him" he smirked
Loki grabbed the arrow and stared in Clint's general direction with a sneer when the arrow explodes at his face bringing him off balance and killing a Chitaruri and destroying what they were riding

Loki falls onto Stark Tower knocking two letters off with a "Urgh!" sound
While hearing Barton whoop a "Yeah! Got 'em!" Natasha backflipped off her ride and lands gracefully. Before she got up Hulk came up as well and punches Loki through the windows.

Nick Fury Adopts Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now