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"Hey harley wanna let me request you on a blind date" harley's bestfriend nana said to harley

"No thanks, I'm into boys" harley answered

"But i'm sure this girl is perfect for you, i have spent time trying to get you a girl" nana said

"Would'nt your girlfriend angela get jealous because you are hanging out with other people"

"Don't worry, Angela is a good girl, plus i love her i would never betray her" nana said

"Aaa that's so sweet" angela said from behind

"Angela did'nt notice you there" nana said

"I love you too nana, and i would never betray you" Angela said

"Anyway i gotta go" harley said then left the two couple behind and went to he's locker.

He opened he's locker and found a letter it was folded, he grab it, he look for a name but there was'nt

'did someone put it here while i was in class?' he thought

He opened the letter and read it

Hi I'm one of your classmate, you don't probably know me well not really you do know me but whatever it doesn't matter so I wrote this instead

I wrote it because i don't have the courage to say it in person,

That's all, i just wanna say i like you

Then it end

"Just that?" Harley ask "is this a love letter" he exclaimed

He put the letter in he's pocket and begun walking to the library,

'oh gosh it might be him, what do I do? what do I do?'.  Harley panic 'but it might not be him'

"Well whatever it's not like he likes me back" he muttered to himself

Just as he said that he saw the said person just in front of the library

With he's cat ears, white hair, and he's brown iris eyes, he looks gorgeous

Harley snap out of he's thought and made a coughing sound which brought the leonin's attention

"H-hey Harley n-nice seeing you there" a blush forming on he's cheeks

"Nice seeing you too, leonin what are you doing here in the library"

"Oh I was looking for you, um I just umm"

"What? I don't have all day" Harley's heart frantically beat fast

"I was just asking if you are free tonight?"

"Why" what's with tonight? Is he asking me out on a date? But I gonna stud--

"Umm there's- I wanna show you something, you might like it"

Harley could feel he's cheeks warming up

"Fine I could use a break tonight"

"Cool see you then" harith says as he starts to walk away but before he could Harley calls him

"Hey harith!"


"Did you left something on my locker?" Just as Harley ask that question

The leonin's face becomes red as he flustered out

"W-what? W-w-what l-l-letter?" The flustered leonin ask voice stuttering too much that a smirk was planted on the magician's lip

"Na never mind get going I'll see you tonight" Harley says as he leaves the still flustered harith alone with a smirk on he's face as he confirmed that the leonin did indeed left the letter on he's locker

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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