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Harith was in the river sleeping, he was in a deep sleep, then harley who have been looking for harith found him, he was gonna wake him but he caught he's attention.

Harley sat next to harith, he was looking at harith's face.

'Man he is so hot when he is this close' harley said in he's mind

He pulled he's face into harith's and kissed him, then harith kissed back, harley's face became red as tomato.

Soon they broke the kissed, harley sit up straight so did harith

"Your lips are soft harley" harith commented while smiling, harley's face became even more red

"Sh-shut up" harley said "a-anyway l-lets go b-ba" as harley could finish he's sentence he was pinned to the ground by harith.

"Is there something you need to confess?" Harith ask

"What do you mean?"

"You kiss me without even realizing i was awake, i am sure there is something you need to confess"

"There is nothing you dummy" harley said he tried to get away, but harith is too strong. Harith put he's mouth near harley's ear

"Oh really, if you are'nt going to say anything i am not gonna let go" he said as he lick harley's neck.

"I-" harley started

"You what" harith teases

"I-i l-like you dummy!" Harley shouted, and tried to get away from harith but can't

Harith kissed harley mouth then neck he lick harley's neck

"Hmmmm" harley moaned when harith found he's soft spot, then harith kissed harley's neck that made him moaned.

"I like you too dummy" harith said.


I did hope you enjoy it

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