harhar part1

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Harith always love to study he does nothing but study, and harley is a popular boy, who have many friends unlike harith.

In classroom, in the afternoon.

The last period lesson was absent, so they had free time, harith was trying to sleep but could'nt because it was noisy, so he decided to study, he went to the library to borrow some books then he went to the rooftop, there where no one there and its just only him, he was reading some book.

Then harley came, harith saw harley but he continued to reading

"Hey why did you ignored me?" harley ask harith look at him

"I did not know that i still need to greet you" harith answered

"Well you don't have to", then harith continued to reading "what are you doing here?"

"Studying what else"

"You could have done it in the library" harley said

"Its more windy in here, the library is hot" harith answered

"Well can i ask you something?" Harley ask and harith is waiting for the question "do you like someone else" Harley ask he's face was red

"No" harith answered

"That's a relief" harley exclaimed


"Nothing" harley said then look around

What is he's problem why can't he leave me alone harith thought to himself

"What are you doing here?" Harith question

"Because i saw you" harley question, it made harith's face become red, but he continued reading.

"Why would you see me?"

"I just saw you" harley said (Thinking: damn he is cute, even when he is red, i wanna kiss him damn it)

"Are you ok why are you red?" Harith ask, Harley could'nt hold it anymore so he kissed harith, harith's eyes widen, soon they broke the kissed

"S-sorry, well i gotta go" harley then left.

When harley left harith touch he's lips, and blushed.

To be continued

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