Falling Behind 🤍Sugayama💙

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"Send me one more" the black haired male told the team manager. Kiyoko sent another ball into the air for the 5"11 setter. Suga walked into the gym after helping Daichi put up some older equipment. "Hey Kageyama! Looks like your sets are getting better eh" Kageyama blushed, he liked getting the praise from his upperclassmen. "Shut up, I'm still working on it...its nowhere near perfect yet" Kageyama spit out in frustration. "Well looks way better than before". Suga used to be the main setter for Karasuno and he sadly had to give up his spot for Kageyama. Kageyama is obviously better then Sugawara, but it still hurts Suga.

Soon the three of them wrapped up for the night, Suga and Kageyama walked with Kiyoko till they got to her bus stop. Then the two walked, the only thing being heard was Kageyama going on and on about how his sets weren't correct. All Suga could do was mumble "mhm" and  "yeah". Suga had issues when it came to Kageyama taking his place, of course he wasn't going to tell the younger one that but it was still something that was there. After another 10 minute walk the two reached the end where the road split off into two ways. Kageyama would go right and Suga would go left. "I'll see you tomorrow before the big game right?" Kageyama called out as Suga went his own way. Suga didn't respond being caught up in his own thoughts "Sugawara!" Kageyama called out, snapping Suga out of his daydream. "Yeah?" Suga replied looking back at the raven haired boy. "See you before the game?" Kageyama asked back, a frown being plastered on his face. "yeah....see you then" Suga said walking off again. "Goodnight!" Kageyama yelled back again, angry with the attitude of Suga. Suga just gave a thumbs up as he continued to walk far away from the other. Kageyama sat there wondering why the older boy was so upset.

~At Suga's house~

The grey haired boy walked through his front door, taking his shoes off and placing them on the rack where there were a few other pairs were. He walked into the kitchen finding food that his mother had made for him with a note that read "sorry I'm not home again tonight, work called me to work another night shift ~Love Mom". Suga took the note off after reading it, opening the container to see some rice balls and sushi in the box.

Suga's mom worked at the hospital and she would sometimes get called in to work night shifts. Suga didn't mind being alone, he just wished that she would be here more when he would regress. Suga's mom was accepting of Suga's littlespace and she would help out in little ways when he was. She would leave the boy alone to do what he wanted to do but she would make sure he was eating enough and that his little items were clean that way he didn't end up getting himself sick. He missed his mom and wished she could be there more, he enjoyed the company and he hated the feeling of an empty house. 

~The Next Morning~ 

The Karasuno boys all lined up to head into the gym. They had just taken a 2 hour bus ride to get where they needed to be, they would be going against Aoba Johsai. The all to known Oikawa showed up at the front door, sticking his tongue out to Hinata and Sugawara. Suga had barely gotten any sleep last night since his mom wasn't home. Suga also couldn't fall asleep on the bus due to Hinata, Tanaka, and Noya yelling the whole time.

Once the team got into the gym they were quickly swept into warm up and then into a game. They had gotten there kind of late due to them being so far away. Suga had paired up with the raven haired setter as they both set back and forth to eachother. "Kage-" Suga couldn't get a word in before Kageyama was torn apart from him as the game started. Suga like always sat on the side lines watching the younger setter take his place on the court.

As the game went on many thoughts went through Suga's mind. "C'mon Hinata! Kageyama!" Suga called out as the game ended with the amazing duo make their last quick attack before winning the match ending the game 2-1. Suga just sat there as he watched the boys freak out in unison. "What am I feeling? I know I should be happy for him but I want that to be me. Kageyama and Hinataare amazing but I can'tjust sit and watch anymore..." Suga thought to himself. Suga's eyes filled with tears as he remembered what the older coaches had said "I teach volleyball because I wasn't able to play like they can. It makes me feel good that they are doing amazing because of my work" These words ran through his head on repeat "Even through the help of me I can't stand here and not wish for that to be me" Suga thought as tears ran down his face. Before anyone could get him he ran out of the gym and into the bathroom.

Kageyama couldn't find the older boy anywhere when he search the gym quickly after the game had ended "I'm gonna go to the bathroom coach!" Kageyama called out as he got a thumbs up from Ukai. The 5'11 boy ran through the halls and he busted the door open to the bathroom. In there he could hear his baby crying on the bathroom floor in a stall who's door was unlocked. "Suga?" Kageyama said opening the stall door revealing a crying Suga. He had his thumb in his mouth and there were tears rolling down his face. "Sugarcube what's wrong?" Kageyama asked bringing the little to his feet and out of the stall. "I- You....you and 'inata awe good duo an' I no good an'more" the little choked out through his tears. Kageyama just pulled his upperclassmen into his chest as he tried to calm the little down. Luckily Suga had brought his bag with him and in it was one of his favorite pacifiers.

Kageyama inspected the paci before deeming it ok to put it into his baby's mouth. When it came down to Suga being little Kageyama made sure that everything he had was clean so he didn't get sick. "Bub what's going on, it seemed like you had some major thoughts last night. You can tell me anything you know that right?" Kageyama told Suga getting a nod in return. The littles crying had gone down to sniffles and hiccups as he spoke up "It just tat you took my p-place on da court and your so much betta than m-me" Suga cried out his emotions being uncontrolled. "Buddy, how long have you felt this way?" Kageyama asked cupping the littles face and kissing his nose. "I dunno....a few month now" Suga said sucking on his pacifier, his breathing picking up again. "Ok bub...I need you to calm down ok? I don't think your little feelings can take this and understand everything. For now I just want you to relax and listen to my voice" Kageyama said the little not understanding this and loosing control of himself. "I do get though! I understand how me feel!" Suga lashed out, Kageyama tried to hold the mentally younger but physically older boy down. Suga kicked and cried as he tried to escape the hold of Kageyama. Kageyama understood the pain that his little was feeling and he knew that by holding him in his grasp was for Suga's own good. "Let go! I no wanna be hewe anymore! I wan go home and be big and pratice so I can get bettew!" Suga cried out again. His last attempt was to hit Kageyama until he realized what he had done. Kageyama just looked down on the little watching as he broke down again. "I sowey!! I no mean to do dat. Pease don't hurt me" Suga said tears running down his face.

After a few minutes and Kageyama had time to think the raven haired boy took the little into his arms and comforted him. What happened in that bathroom was the feelings that a mentally older Suga pushed on his little self. Little Suga probably didn't know what to do with himself so he thought that struggling would be the best for him. "Hey buddy how about you calm down" Kageyama said running his fingers through Suga's hair calming him down. Kageyama spoke in a soft voice as well "Baby your so little....you can't understand what's going through your big head. I know that you want to go but it's not healthy for you to do that, you can't wear yourself out..." Suga just sat there not trying to resist anymore, he accepted the fact that he couldn't understand what he was feeling. Kageyama kept the little boy in his lap as he calmed down and fell asleep in his arms. "I am definitely going to talk to him when he is big later." Kageyama thought as he picked Suga up and placed him onto his hip, Suga's face was soft and rested now. Kageyama pushed some hair out of Suga's face as he kissed his forehead "Sleep well my little sugarcube" Kageyama whispered before exiting the bathroom and making his way out to the team bus where he waited for the others to show up.

The Karasuno boys knew about Suga being a little and accepted him for it. Coach Ukai was the first to get to the bus, as he did keep the keys with him. "Oi Kageyama! What's up with him" Ukai said as he jerked his head towards Sugawara. Kageyama spoke up but not to loudly so he didn't wake the little "He slipped into headspace and pushed his bigger feelings onto his smaller self and he got confused by it, he should be fine for now so once we get back he'll come home with me". Ukai made a thumbs up as he allowed the two boys to get onto the bus before everyone else came.

Once the others got there they were are hushed as to let Suga sleep, everyone one else following shortly behind him. The team slept the entire way back home which was a blessing for everyone, especially Suga. Kageyama and Suga sat next to eachother as the little cuddled up to his underclassmen smiling the entire time as he was at ease.

Word Count: 1744

I hope you guys enjoyed this story. It took me a while to figure out what I wanted to do but once I did I couldn't stop writing. Thank you to everyone who has supported this book as we reached 5K in about a month!

⚠️Request Update⚠️
I'm currently working on a few but it might take me a while since I have some school work to do to finish off this school year other than that requests will be slow for the time being.

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