Rainy Days 💛Tsukiyama💚

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Its been a raining off and on since Tuesday in my area so I decided to write a cute little story with the calming rain. Also in this one Tsukishima is shorter than Yamaguchi, basically their heights swapped.


What seemed to be a perfectly normal sunny day quickly turned into a darky, gloomy, rainy day.

Yamaguchi and Tsukishima were both stuck inside their shared apartment that they had in Tokyo. They had a bay window that overlooked the busy city below them as the rain started to fall. People started to hurry out to the streets looking for a dry place to stay while the rain started to pour. Many people ran into convenience stores and side shops that at one point had no one in them. Many employed people were seen quickly walking down the sidewalks under their umbrellas as the rain was not letting up any time soon.

Tsukishima sat in the bay window that had soft cushions surrounding it along with a blanket that Tsukishima loved as a little. The blanket was given to him the first time him and Yamaguchi looked out the bay window together while they watched it snow outside. Instead of watching the snow fall he instead watched the rain fall.

Tsukishima usually didn't slip into littlespace easily, it usually happened with the help of Yamaguchi. Tsukishima being who he was could easily keep his thoughts and feelings to himself and with this he could also keep himself from slipping. Yamaguchi liked to have a little baby running around asking for things to be done for him so he never had a problem helping Tsukishima slip.

When Yamaguchi walked into their living room he saw his baby sitting in the bay window and decided to join him. He picked the shorter boy up and placed him in his lap, his baby's back resting on his chest. He gently ran his fingers through Tsukishima's hair as they both silently watched the rain fall. "Hmmmm Tadashi what are you doing" Tsukishima said with a soft quiet voice "Nothing, just continue to watch the rain Kei" Yamaguchi replied continuing to run his fingers through the others hair. He then decided to run his finger in a figure eight on his thigh as he knew this was also something discreet that helped him regress.

Soon Tsukishima was fighting sleep his eyes fluttering open every few seconds until his eyes finally shut closed as he peacefully regressed in his sleep. No more than 10 minutes later Tsukishima woke up in littlespace. "Hmm dadashi" Tsukishima said in a tired but kiddish voice. Yamaguchi still running his fingers through Tsukishima's hair responded with a light laugh. "Dadashi, it rain outside" Tsukii said pointing out the bay window. "Yeah it is raining outside hun. Your so smart" Yamaguchi replied resting his chin in the crook of the others neck. "Can we go pway in da rain dadashi?" The blond asked intertwining his fingers with Yamaguchi's. Even though Tsukishima was mentally a 5 year old he still liked to show affection like a normal couple would, it was just something he did. "Sure but we have to wait for it to stop raining so heavily, ok?" Yamaguchi replied, smiling with the affection he was being shown.

After about an hour the rain started to slow. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were both at the dinner table having an afternoon snack knowing that if Tsukishima didn't get his snack he would be grumpy later on in the day. "Dadashi it stop rain so hard" Tsukishima said pointing out the window and running up to the bay window to see all the people who were once stuck inside shops go back out on the streets. "Can we go pway now?!" Tsukishima asked really excited to go jump in the puddles. "Sure hun but we have to get dressed first" "Otay"

After the two got dressed into better clothes for the weather outside, Yamaguchi helped Tsukishima put on his green rainboots. Yamaguchi put his own pair of green rainboots on after, knowing that Tsukishima liked him to play with him. Yamaguchi locked the door behind them and made their way down to the elevator, they lived pretty high up as they did live in the city so they lived on the 15th floor of their apartment complex. The two got to the elevator and Tsukishima begged to be able to push the buttons as Yamaguchi agreed.

Once the elevator ride was over the two stepped out hand in hand and walked out the front door of the complex. Yamaguchi pulled out an umbrella for him and his little that way they stayed dry for now. The two walked down the streets of Tokyo, pointing out all the cool side shops that they have been to a thousand times but little Tsukii insists on going every once in a while just for fun.

Once they got out of the main part of the city they walked towards the park that they went to often even when Tsukii wasn't little. It had a walking trail, tennis courts, basketball courts, and a playground.

There were a lot of puddles around for Tsukii to jump in which he loved to do when it rained. Tsukishima walked up to a big puddle and started to jump in it. The water splashed all over his pants and boots, getting some mud on himself as well. He then started to jump from puddle to puddle making even bigger splashes as he went along. "Dadashi, join me?" The little one asked, tilting his head a bit. "Sure hun" Yamaguchi replied jumping into the puddle Tsukishima was currently standing in. Tsukishima laughed as he jumped hand in hand with Yamaguchi.

Tsukishima got bored with jumping in puddles so he decided he wanted to play on the playground. Since most of his lower body was covered in water Yamaguchi allowed him to go play on the wet playground. Yamaguchi sat down on a bench as he watched the little play on the playground for a while. Soon Tsukishima came up to Yamaguchi and sat in his lap, wrapping his legs around Yamaguchi's waist and fell asleep. Yamaguchi just now realized how tired his baby Tsukii had gotten. He pulled the umbrella back out and carried the little home.

Word Count: 1067

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Also I think 'Dadashi' (Dada + Tadashi) is the cutest little nickname little Tsukii can give to Yamaguchi~

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