The True Meaning of Happiness (Chapter 28)

Start from the beginning

"My deapest condolences." Xavier said as he arrives in Venus' wake back in Manila.

"Thank you Xavier." Martin said.

"As soon as I've heard about her death, I immediately took a flight going home here. I'm really sorry on behalf of my father.  And if I had known sooner, I should have been nicer to her." 

"Well actually even without cancer you should have been nicer to her."

"I know."

Suddenly, Mr. Tan comes in with two guards beside him.

"I'm really sorry." Mr. Tan said.

Martin immediately punches Mr. Tan as soon as he saw him. Martin was about to punch Mr. Tan again but Henry stopped Martin.

"Martin, stop please." Henry said.

"I'm so sorry." Mr. Tan said.

Mr. Tan then started crying. 

"You're sorry? You should be happy now right? She's dead already. That's what you want right? You made her life miserable. You killed her father. You made my life miserable too. Don't you remember me? I'm Martin. I worked for you before but you locked me up in jail for a crime I didn't do for your own selfish needs." Martin said.

"I'm really really sorry." Mr. Tan said.

"Sorry? Your sorry is not enough. It will not  make everything better, It will not bring Venus back. That is why I am really happy that you are going to rot in jail. " Martin said. 

"Mr. Tan, please just leave. We don't want anymore trouble here." Henry said.


"I suddenly remember the first time I met you. You were so beautiful but so intimidating. But you were also so brave to go inside a jail. I said to myself that time 'This Venus Steel girl is different.' That's why I agreed to have that deal with you. I didn't expect me accepting that deal will change my life for the better. See you soon Venus. I will miss you. I will really miss everything about even you being strict and frank. In this lifetime, we didn't get a change to be together for a very long time and to be happy together but I promise you, in the next life time, I will make sure that wil happen. I will never ever forget you Venus." Martin said as the coffin of Venus was lowered to the ground.

"Ms. Venus, I never had a wife or kids but in you I had a daughter a beautiful, kind, caring, loving and hardworking daughter. I knew this day would eventually come but I have always prayed and hope that you get well and live until you're 100. The house wouldn't be the same without you. No one will greet me every morning anymore. No one will beg me like a kid when she wants cake or steak." Henry said as he started crying.

Martin then pats Henry's back.

"Venus, ask me back then what is the true meaning of happiness. I couldn't answer her question but now I do. It's not money, power or fame. It's love, friendship and family. Which are the things that we often neglect. And that is why Venus didn't felt happy even upon getting her company back because the things that are important, she neglected them."  Henry said.

After all the people left, Martin and Henry left too and went straight to the house of Venus. And there they saw, Venus' lawyer Atty. Salcedo.

"Mr. Salcedo. What are you doing here?" Henry said.

"I'm here to read to you Ms. Venus' last will and testament." Atty. Salcedo said.

"Come in Atty. We can do that inside." Henry said.

As they have seated down, Atty. Salcedo started reading the last will and testament.

"I, Venus Claire Steel leave this house to Mr. Martin Herrera together with half of my money. The rest, the company and all my other properties, I will leave it to Mr. Henry Dionisio." Atty. Salcedo said as he read the last will and testament of Venus.

After reading the last wil and testment, Atty. Salcedo left the house.

"She never forgotten you and me. She really thought of what will happen if she dies. She wanted things to still be like they were even if she's dead already." Henry said to Martin as they were in the attic looking at the stars.

"Venus really have been always thoughtful to the ones she love. But it will never be the same without her." Martin said.

"That is why I don't believe she never loved you Martin. Even a little, I know she loved you in her own way."

"Do you think she can see us right now?" 

"My mother said that back when I was little that people who died become stars. Maybe it is true."

"Venus loved looking at the starts and I think she's one of them now looking at us and smiling."

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