The End of the Deal (Chapter 19)

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As Venus got back to her house, she immediately went to her room and got changed. She thought about the kiss and also she felt guilty because she left Martin alone in the restaurant even though he was already tipsy. And as she was thinking, her private investigator called her.

“Ms. Venus..” The private investigator said.                  

“I’m not really in a good mood right now so you better give me good news.” Venus said over the phone.

“Don’t worry Ms. I have good news. I am done digging up about the fire you told me about. And you were right it was not an accident. Someone bribed the police and the firemen to say that it was just an accident. I have found lots of evidences to prove it.”

“Very well. If that’s the case then send everything to my email and also to my lawyer so that he could set everything up.”

“As you wish Ms. Venus.”

“Good job. By the way, if ever anyone asks you about me or our transactions, you know what to do.”

“Of course, every transaction is confidential.”

“Good. I’ll deposit the money as soon as possible. Goodbye.”

Venus then puts down her phone. Henry then comes in Venus’ room to bring her a glass of milk.

“Are you okay Ms. Venus? Is everything alright? Is your chest hurting?” Henry said.

“I’m okay Henry. I’m just tired.” Venus said.

“By the way, Martin just arrived riding a taxi. What happened to him? Do you know Ms. Venus, you were with him right?”

“I was with him for awhile but I had to run an errand so I went ahead. Is he okay?”

“He’s a bit drunk but he’s okay.”

Henry then gives Venus the glass of milk.

“Thank you Henry.”

“You’re welcome Ms. Venus. Do you need anything else?”

“Can you just stay with me for awhile Henry until I fall asleep?”

“Sure Ms. Venus.”

Venus then drank the milk and went to bed. Henry then tucks Venus into bed.

“Henry..” Venus said.

“Yes Ms. Venus?”


“Why Ms. Venus?”

“Finally everything went according to plan and the plan was a success. The company is now in my name and it is just a matter of time that they will arrest Mr. Tan because of his illegal businesses and because of what he did to Dad. He’ll finally get what he deserves.”

“That means the deal with Martin is finished?”

“Yes. Why do you look sad Henry? Don’t worry about Martin. He can stand up on his own two feet. We made sure of that right? And he’ll have lots of money. He also has Angel. He will no longer need us after the deal.”


“Henry, we can’t keep the wounded bird in its cage for a very long time. We have taken care of him and now that he’s all better, we need to set him free for him to fly freely above the sky on his own. Martin wasn’t ours to begin with so we don’t have every right to keep him from Angel or any other person that he loves.Okay Henry?”

“Yes Ms. Venus.”

“Good night Henry.”

“Good night Ms. Venus.”

Bittersweet Revenge (FINISHED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon