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tits out for newt 2021

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tits out for newt 2021.

special announcement at the end pls read it i'm begging you

sharing a room with benny wasn't bad, although he wouldn't stop making corny jokes, but besides that, he didn't have a messy room, and he wasn't loud or a pain in the ass.

it was now almost midnight and i figured i should go to sleep. setting down the book i was reading, i looked over to my left, seeing benny passed out with his hands on his chest, looking peaceful as ever.

i smiled a little before getting under the covers and burying my head in the fluffy pillow.

"goodnight y/n."

i jumped a lil, not expecting to hear benny.

"goodnight benny."

benny and i woke up at around three in the morning, rushing to pack up all our stuff as we ran down the stairs of the hotel, quickly checking out.

jumping into a cab, we both sighed, adrenaline still running through the two of us.

when we finally made it to the airport, we ran to the gate, checking in as quickly as possible. airports confuse the fuck out of me so idk yall speed through to the point where you're sitting at the gate waiting for them to allow people on the plane.

i sat on the cool black leather of the seat, resting my arms in my lap, afraid to put them on the cold metal of the seat, scared i'd get freezer burn.

benny sat to the right of me, looking incredibly concentrated as he stared off into space. i assumed he was probably playing a game in his head.

"is beth coming?" i asked, poking his arm a lil to get him out of his trance.

he looked at me, a slight smile on his face, "she should be, you worried about your little girlfriend?" he teased.

his slight little joke made my entire face grow red as benny laughed his ass off.

"shut up you dick!" i whisper hissed, shoving his arm like a child would.

hi ok so i don't think i'm gonna continue this book because for one i have like 0 motivation to finish this book and i'm not really in this fandom anymore i mean like i still love anya and stuff but idk i'm more into anime now. but here's another thing, there's like nine parts to this story and i feel bad for like cutting it off this early so i was thinking that if someone wanted to finish this book for me, i'd be down for it. like i could tell you the ending i had for this story and you could write it as you please or you could make up the rest of the story i don't care but dm me or comment if you're interested in this and we can work out how we'll finish the book. sorry if that made like no sense, if you're confused just ask lmao
once again, sorry for cutting this book short but i'm happy so many of you enjoyed it:) < 3

iamtheceoofswag tagging you because i feel like you might be interested

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2021 ⏰

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