~ Introduction to the Characters ~

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Y/N = You! She will be indentifying as female and is bisexual 🏳️‍🌈. She has long hair that is generally dyed dark blue or naturally light brown. Brown eyes and average height. She lives in Los Angeles and has an Aussie Cattle dog named Bear.

Calum = Your old friend who youve decided to help after his relapse with alcholism. He has dark, curly hair that fluffs over his forehead. He lives about 25 minutes away from Y/N and has a dog named Duke.

Micheal = Your closest friend and Cals bandmate. Bright green eyes and dirty blonde hair. He lives with Crystal, Southy and Moose. You originally bonded over videogames. (Of course)

Crystal = Your bestfriend! You two are so close youre basically sisters and you introduced Mike to Crystal on the trip to Bali. She has long purple hair and blue eyes.

Sierra = One of Crystals friends you got to be introduced to when her and Luke started dating. Dark, long hair and dark eyes to rival Calums.

KayKay = Her and Ash havent been dating long so you dont know her aswell. But you're kind to each other and friends. She has Neon pink hiair and bright eyes.

Luke = Another one of Calums bandmates and Sierra's boyfriend.Bright blonde hair and piercing blue eyes.

Ash = Calums closest friend and his bandmate. You and him dont get along very well but KayKay is working on it. Red hair and hazel eyes. (and what y/n thinks is a permanent frown)

Dom = Your ex boyfriend. (Yungblud) But you two get along great and are still close friends. Dark hair with blue and pink streaks. Bright green eyes and a wide smile.

Brian = Your gaslighting ex boyfriend. You only dated for about 5 months but he quickly became abusive. Spurring the end of the relationship. Yellowish eyes and red/brown hair.

Ashley (Halsey) = Your best friend/ therapist. Youve been friends since you met Dom and have been as close as sisters ever since. Extermly short hair and dark eyes.

There will be mentions of abuse and yelling, injury and pshcological gaslighting.

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