A Good Message

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Author's pov :

It's morning at 8 am. Location Lotus colony (imaginary name.)

A conference call is going on between three friends who are leaving in this colony for the last 45 years.

Gopi, Ram and Ashok are friends for a long time. Their children are already selected in their career, married and leaving in different cities and countries.

"Yesterday I talked with  Vivek on a call. He seems so tensed." Gopi said sighing sadly.

Vivek is a 25 years guy who shifted into their colony three years back along with his wife. When they shifted into the colony they are newly married. The couple got close to all the colony members in these three years.

At present Vivek tested with covid positive and after checking him, doctors suggested he should be in-home quarantine.

" He will be ok. Say him to take a good diet and follow up with medicines." Ram advised.

"I already did. But he is fearing if the situation gets serious and he has to admit to hospital, he can't bear the expenses." Gopi explained.

"Oh. Yes, he already spent a lot just a month before for his father's covid treatment. Poor guy. He works so hard." Ashok said.

"I think we should give him emotional and financial support. " Ram advised.

"No need. He will be ok." Ram's wife Rama said.

"Rama shut up. Go inside. " Ram warned her pointing towards their room.

She signed angrily and went into the room murmuring something.

"It's actually a good idea. Just think when we attend someone's marriage or function, we will gift them a good gift or some money in a card but I think we should do it when someone gets a health issue. Then that money would be a real use." Ashok said thoughtfully.

"100 % true Ashok. Your thought is brilliant. If it becomes a tradition no one will hesitate to receive the amount. " Gopi voiced out.

"Wonderful. Why not we make it a tradition? Even if every house in our colony gives 1000 to 2000 it will become a good amount. " Ram advised.

They immediately shared the message in their colony what's app group.

Some agreed happily. Some agreed as others agreed. As the amount is minimum some agreed like it is no big deal.

But ultimately money is collected and Ashok transferred the amount to Vivek's bank account.

Vivek tried to protest but all elders of the colony explained to him, he is like a family to them.

"Vikram be strong. You can fight it. We all there for you." Ram said in the video call there are talking.

"Yes. Just message us if you need medicine or groceries we will arrange it near your doorstep." Gopi said.

"Thank you so much, uncle. You all really did so much for me." Vivek said getting emotional.

"Idiot. Don't need to thank us. One should be there for one when it's really needed." Ashok said.

They ended the call giving Vivek their advice and blessings.

This concept of giving money during health issues is more useful than the one we give during marriages and functions.

Think about it. We need to change few traditions with time.

Giving emotional and mental strength to our surrounding people is more needed in today's world.

Let them share their pain. If you can help them, help or leave it but don't criticize them.


Hope you all are doing well.

What do you think about this small story? (It's a mix of few incidents.)

All characters are my imagination. I created them to give a good message.

This story is not about votes and comments but awareness. If you read and thought everyone should read it once then share the book or just share the positive message you learned from it.

I would be happy if at least one person get motivated by it.

You can add your messages in the comment section. But please be respectful.

Be strong. Hope we all will fight this pandemic.

This time don't leave the lessons you have learned. Implement and continue them.

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