A Right to question.

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Author's pov :

It's night 11'o clock.

Rajini is laying on the bed along with her four years old baby boy.

Her husband Rohit who is a doctor recently got the covid positive. At present, he is in home quarantine in a separate guest room. His condition is improving.

She is arranging his food and medicines from time to time and leaving them at the doorstep.

It's is so difficult for her to make her four-year-old son stay away from his father but she is managing.

Rohit as a doctor treated many patients from the start of the pandemic last year. He himself saw many recovering and many losing their life. Many days he worked day and night at hospitals.

Recently he got affected and started staying in-home quarantine.

Is he scared to work again after his recovery? No. He is ready to again work and treat patients after his recovery. It's his duty. If he has lives in his hands which he can try to save and he will do his best like always.

Rajini is so proud of his husband. He is a dedicated doctor. Though she is worried about his health, she is happy to be the wife of such a good person.

Today she saw on a news channel that many people are not following precautions. Not even keeping their masks. She even saw the photage where some people are saying they feel sophisticated wearing masks, some are saying they forgot and some they just removed.

She is not able to understand them. Why are they not understanding the seriousness of the situation?

Many people like her husband are during their duties keeping their life at stake so that other people can be healthy and happy with their families.

Rohit is almost living at the hospital for the past one month for his duty. Even though he followed precautions like wearing masks and a protective suit but he can't maintain social distance as he needs to cure people. Maybe that is the reason he got infected.

But immediately after getting infected, he took proper care and know he is recovering closely.

She is not understanding, when a doctor can wear masks and a full suit for a full day and do his work then why not other individuals can keep masks just in the time they are out. Is it that difficult?

Doctors are also not habituated from childhood to wear masks. Before they used to wear during surgeries and now they adopted to wear throughout the day.

Why can't others adapt to it?

Every Rajini whose loved one is working to help us fight pandemic has the right to question.

Every Rohit who is sacrificing his time which he can spend with his family and kids and who is keeping his lives at stake for others has a right to question.

Every individual once thinks of the life of a dedicated doctor who is wearing masks and protective suit throughout the day treating patients before removing masks with a number of excuses.

Educate your families and loved ones to keep the masks. Take a promise from that so that they would not remove it when they went out.

Never forget the doctors afforts. They would also have a family, a little kid same as Rohit.

This pandemic also taught us a lesson to always maintain hygiene.

Stay clean. Keep clean.

The cleaning staff did so much work cleaning every public transport and places during this pandemic. In some places, they also did not get salaries till now.

Keep their hard work in mind before unnecessary throwing things at public places.

Pray they always stay safe, healthy and happy.


Remember the afforts of doctors, cleaning staff, police officers and every single individual who did their best to fight this pandemic.

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