Before We Start!

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HI!! Ok so before you jump into the world of Genshin Impact...I want to do the reenactment  of your death,and go over prefixes! (For this chapter I'll be writing in 2nd person, but rest of the story is in 1st person)
[Y/N]=your name
[Y/G/T]=your gamer tag
[L/A]=Lumine or Aether
[Y/F/N]=your full name
First off let's start 24 hours before your death.

1. You woke up. It's a weekend but you woke up early...You hear your phone ring over and over but walk past it to you computer. As you sit down to your keyboard and wiggle around your mouse to turn on your monitor. As you type in you computer password you hear a bang on your door but you ignore it. Finishing your computer password you press enter. The banging from your door becomes more persistent so you go to check it. The person at you door is familiar, but you listen to what they say and then nod you head and shut the door. Walking back to your computer set up you close all your computer windows as Genshin loads. You walk away to get a small snack and some toast until lunch. Going back to you computer you grab a blanket. As you sit down your computer monitor is black. Wiggling you mouse trying to turn on your computer it wouldn't work. Again and again and again...nothing. Realizing that your computer broke down you grab your phone and try to download Genshin on your phone, but the WiFi is not working...neither is your cellular data. That familiar face—no-NO-Nonnonononno not now not when the new update is out! Running through your room grabbing food and clothes and anything else you scramble to get out of the area. Hopping on the nearest bus you see you take out your not working phone and trying calling your parents—nothing. In all of your commotion the bus comes to a screeching hault only for you to fall and hit your for how you died you never know.

[lights and sirens whale...but you feel a hot light blare on you...then you pass]

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