Adrien gave a defeated sigh. He hated it when Plagg was right, and as much as he didn't want to see Ladybug, he was still Chat Noir, and he was still her partner. Adrien absolutely loved being Chat Noir. He enjoyed jumping around the city, saving people, and being a hero. Being Chat Noir made him feel free. Like he had a meaning and a reason for living. He would not give that up just because of his hate for Ladybug.

Calling out his transformation, Adrien transformed into the other half of Paris's loved heroes. Soon after, Chat Noir jumped roof by roof until he made it to the Eiffel Tower, where Ladybug was already waiting for him. *Great, she is already here* Chat Noir thought sarcastically. Landing with a loud thump, he got ready to hear her scold him about being late but was surprised when nothing came. "Hello, kitty," she greeted *there it is again, the whole kitty thing. God, I really want to tell her off, but I can't. I have to be her sweet and caring partner. As much as I want to tell her to back off, I can't. Well, technically, I can always tell her off nicely. Yeah, that's it.* "Hello, Ladybug, let's get patrol started. I have things to do. I'll take North, and you can take South. If there are any problems, call. I will be heading home right after I am through patroling. So don't wait up," before Ladybug could answer, Chat had already jumped off.


Marinette tried designing, baking, and even redecorating her room just so that she could feel less depressed and be able to hide the pain during patrol. Chat Noir had always been an amazing friend. Therefore, Marinette knew he didn't deserve to be paying for the pain that model had caused her. Chat Noir was always there for her, but she did not want to worry him. Part of her wishes that she had fallen for him instead of Adrien, but unfortunately, it didn't work that way. The heart wanted what the heart wanted.

Chat was a boy in a mask, and so was Ladybug. They were heroes, people that would always be in danger. Therefore their identities would always be a secret, and they could never really talk about their lives, likes, friends, or anything else. The relationship would fail because they could never be their true selves. Plus, it didn't help that she knew that the real her was nothing like her heroic persona. Actually, they didn't even come close.

Ready to patrol, Ladybug landed on the Eiffel tower and waited for Chat Noir. Honestly, after the horribly painful day she had, she couldn't wait to see her silly partner. As much as she hated to admit it, his dumb puns and nicknames always made her feel better. After hearing a loud thump, she turned around and met the emerald eyes of her partner. "Hello, kitty," she greeted, waiting to hear a 'm'lady' or 'bugaboo' but was surprised when she met a cold and distant Chat Noir.

"Hello, Ladybug, let's get patrol started. I have things to do. I'll take North, and you can take South. If there are any problems, call. I will be heading home right after I am through patroling. So don't wait up," before Ladybug could answer, Chat Noir had already jumped off. *What in the world? What the hell was that about? He didn't even let me finish. Did I do something?* Ladybug had a million questions but none to which she found answers. Ladybug was confused. Had she missed something?

He didn't even call her M'Lady. He didn't flirt or throw a pun somewhere in the sentence. And he was so cold towards her. For the love of God, he didn't even look her in the eyes. Something was definitely wrong with Chat Noir. It was as if he suddenly hated her, and that surprisingly hurt her just as much as Adrien's rejection. After finishing patrol, Marinette landed in her bedroom and sat in her bed in silence. Why was Chat acting that cold towards her? First Adrien and now Chat? What is happening in her life?

Marinette let a teardrop sliding from her cheek and landing on the ground, but this time it was for far more than just pain. She was angry. Why was life so unfair with her. She had always been sweet, caring, and helpful. Overall she believed she had always been a good person. But at the end of the day, it only made her an easy target. People would constantly take advantage of her caring nature, allowing her to be by them in their time of need only to turn around and spit on her face afterward. Marinette was sick of it. She had made up her mind, and she had had enough. It was time things changed. It was time for a new Marinette.

Adrien only cared for her friendship? Well, then he wouldn't have it. Chloe hated her? Well, good, she hated herself too, so maybe she could befriend Chloe. Chat, was treating her differently and be angry without explanation? Fine, let him be. Alya and Nino expect her to cry for weeks over this rejection? Well, she will show them she feels nothing. Marinette was not certain how she would make this all happen, but she was sure it started with no more crying. Not for anyone, not anymore. Adrien like Kagami even though she was cold and insensitive? Then great because now he would receive that from her also.

Marinette was simply tired. Tired, of suffering, tired of being the one that held the last place. The only person who treated her like she was first place was Luka. *Luka* Marinette thought. He was the only one who loved Marinette for who she was. He was the one there for her, always. He made sure to clean the tears every time Adrien broke her heart. Luka had been the one who confessed his love for her. The one who had been waiting for her to return his feelings for an extremely long time. Maybe now she could finally get over Adrien and give Luka a chance. He deserved it more than anyone else in this world. Hopefully, she could learn to love him and have a happy life with him. Marinette was not sure, but one thing was certain. It was time to make a change, and that would start with no more Adrien.

"Step 1- Erase Adrien from your life."  

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