Does Love Last Forever?

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She never knew the meaning of true love,

Until he came in her life,

A heart so broken and damaged,

But he mended it from the inside.

Her heart was so fragile,

That it could fall apart with a single touch,

But he handled it with so much care,

It started to become unbreakable.

Day be day she found little pieces of herself,

That she once thought could never be found,

Those pieces of happy memories,

Now danced in her mind as dulcet sounds.

Years flew by and their love flourished,

Like a bottle of old red wine,

Hence there came a day when he,

Realised that wine will only fester his body with time.

One fine day she woke up and found,

A little piece of paper beside her bed,

She started to read but the words that followed,

Shattered her heart into a million pieces.

At first she couldn't believe,

At the words her eyes had seen,

But the truth started to settle in her,

When days passed and there was no sign of him.

Her mind gradually accepted the truth,

But her heart still couldn't cope,

From the stinging pain in her chest,

And thus depression took over her soul.

Now she sits in her wheelchair,

With that piece of paper clutched in her hands,

Staring out the dewy window,

In hopes that one day, he might just come back.


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