Part 6

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Author note 

Hope y'all are enjoying the story here's a cute photo of my dog I put it on the start of each chapter 

Hope y'all are enjoying the story here's a cute photo of my dog I put it on the start of each chapter 

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Percy POV 

The idols took us to a dark alley and the blonde girl asks "Who are you,". And without glancing at her dog or friend I reply "Who are you, " "I asked you first," she snaps " Fine " I surrender " Percy and Kat Jackson, she's my step sis. Now who are you" "Sophie foster and Ruy ignus,"she reply's the boy - Ruy -  still patting the dog asks " now why were you at a random field by yourself boy?" " uhh no reason " I squeak " also I wasn't alone my mom drove me back,"I was a bit scared and confused but I still saw Sophie flinch at the word mom so I ask why she flinched " nothing she said quickly, to quickly, something was up and I was going to find out - maybe they were children of Aphrodite.I mean they were very good looking.


These people were interrogating my bro and I was kinda bored so I asked the dude the breed of dog they had " golden retriever " he responded " what's her name " I ask " poppy," he says looking bored " now why were you alone in a random field boy?" Ruy asked and then I zoomed out .

Ruy POV 

I was answering some questions about the puppy puppy from the girl but not really listening to Sophie and Percy conversation but I asked one question it was 'now why were you alone in a random field boy,' I saw Sophie flinch at his reply but she still asked the big question " what are you," " uhh, don't know what your talking about,"he laughed nervously looking at his sis for help but she'd zoomed out and Sophie be like " spill dude we know you ain't human, but Kat is normal."

Percy  be like "fine I'll just show you."he gestured for us to follow him, got us in a big machine and drove back to the field. He got out and walked over to a strawberry field that had lots of cabins, like a camp. As me and soph followed him i felt a coldness pass through our body and I shivered glancing to see if Sophie felt the same but she looked fine as she followed Percy she even looked at home, almost like she'd been here her whole life but that was impossible, right?

Sophie POV

I felt so good here like I was at home with the beautiful strawberry fields covering mountains of the sloping hills right down to the camp, it felt so good! I skipped down a hill to the camp with Percy and Ruy behind even though I'd never been here before I felt a sudden sense of belonging, I hadn't been here before, right, yeah - psh that's impossible I could never had been here before, I just liked the sweet smell of strawberry drifting through the hills I thought as I skipped down the lushes fields. Kat was no longer here Percy had dropped her home before driving us here, I had forgotten what being in a car felt like, it smelt awful after years of fresh air in the lost cities.

As we came to the camp I looked around and waited for the boys but before they could come down the weirdest thing came up to me and whispered my name, I wasn't paying attention to that but what he was I didn't know he looked like he might be something from Greek mythology so I racked my mind for a a half horse half human - centaur - that was it. And this one looked like Chiron one of the many  sons of Kronos, lord of the sky until Zeus took over! Wait how did I know the last part, I've never done anything like that in school! I'll just ask Percy I think as I pass out.

Percy POV 

Sophie looked so at home, even as she bumped into Chiron " Sophie," Chiron whispered " Chiron," Sophie whispered, wait a sec they don't know each other do they? Sophie starts to pass out but Ruy front flips down the hill and catches her mid fall whilst I was still frozen in shock and confusion.

Hope y'all liked the cliffhanger and imma try do longer chapters Kay 

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