Part 4

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Author note 

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Ruy POV 

As we arrive in this 'farmers market' as Sophie calls it, turns out its a bunch of farmer stalls bunched up with people and the pollution was awful - there was even cans rolling around and no one made a move to pick them up- I would but Sophie was dragging me along. We stopped at a fresh fruit stand near the dried fruit and look over there to see the same boy we had seen at the shops and the fields he was standing with what looked like his sister the girl was dragging him over to the dried fruit. He stopped to stare at us and soon a crowd parted for us and everyone was staring at us. But I mean we are hotties since ya know we're elves. Plus we have the cutest golden retriever puppy, I think to myself.

Sophie POV 

At first I didn't know why the humans were staring and then I remembered that elves are super cute plus we have an adorable puppy, a crowd even parted for us but some annoying boys came up to me but Ruy scared them of, he knew I wanted to be single - avoid all the drama, since there had been a lot of drama between me, Fitz and Keefe. We slowly walked over to the boy and his little sister. Everyone was still staring the at us. The boy and his sister were still gaping at us so me and Ruy rushed them over to an abandoned alley, leaving the people at the market still staring at us  in shock, probably wondering who we were, what we were doing and why we taking a couple of teenagers to an abandoned alley ...

Sorry it was so short!

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