Capture The flag and some reunions

Start from the beginning

"Water cannon up my nose."

The campers started mumbling among themselves about the first ever son of the big three in a few centuries. Percy sighed and slapped the back of Luke's head causing Luke to grin widely.

"Gods, you're even worse than Zeus in dramatics!"

Luke shrugged and pulled out an old wooden chair under an old wooden table, "What's the plan?"

"The plan is we send the Ares, Apollo, Hermes, Demeter, and Hephaestus cabin straight towards their flag, while the unclaimed and minor demigods can just protect the flag along with the rest of the demigods," Malcolm shared his plan.

"Is everyone cool with that?" Luke asked the cabin councillors.

Everyone nodded their heads except one, "No, the plan is stupid."

"Are you insulting Athena!" Malcolm roared as he glared at the one who opposed his plan.

"Yeah I am!"

"Who do you think you are to challenge the Son of Athena!"

"Are you stupid, weren't you listening to Luke, I'm the son of Poseidon, Percy Jackson. Pleasure to meet you," Percy spoke with his voice dripping with heavy sarcasm.

Malcolm looked taken aback, no one and he meant it no one, had ever challenged his plans besides his sister Annabeth. "Then what else do you have in mind!" Malcolm smirked, thinking how an insolent son of Poseidon had no chance of beating him in logic.

"Very well,"Percy flicked his hands as a shadow reached out of a nearby tree and pushed Malcolm off his chair causing him to land face-first on the wet muddy ground. "We take the Ares cabin to the center as a diversion and we send the Athena and Zeus cabin along with the Deméter cabin to flank them from the right. We try to block them from breaking through our defences therefore we have the Aphrodite and Hephaestus cabin to make a Roman Phlanyx at the front of out flag. Next, we send in a small group of unclaimed campers along with minor demigods to left flank them. Knowing the hunters, they would choose to fight at the left as they will be the weakest being all of them children of minor gods. Once they break through the defences of the left we send the group of campers on the right, in to a testudo to capture the flag as arrows can't break through shields. We take the rest of the campers along with the Apollo and Hermes Cabin to hide in the branches, lying flat on their shields for an ambush on the right flank just in case they break through our forces there." Percy finished.

Malcolm had to agree that was one hell of a plan, worthy of Athena indeed but there was one flaw, "What if the hunters break through our defences by attacking the Ares cabin not their flanks."

"They won't defeat us!" Clarisse snarled at Malcolm, he was thinking lowly of the children of Ares.

"We have the phalanx to block them off and if that's not enough, they have me!" Percy gave Malcolm a sadistic grin.

"Is every one ok with it?" Malcom asked as Luke, Silena, and Clarisse nodded their heads

Beckendord looked like he was going to agree before asking Percy, "I've seen you before you're that Perseus kid right?"

Percy nodded his head as Clarisse looked deep in thought searching through her memories of kids she had bullied whereas Silena had recognised Percy already.

"Let's do this!" Percy uncapped Riptide as the cabin councillors scattered away to give orders to their fellow campers.

During this discussion, Zoë Nightshade, daughter of Atlas, Lieutenant of Artemis, looked up to the sky, "Let's see how worthy you are boy." She smirked, ready to see the annoying demigod being shot in the foot, literally.

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