Chapter 24. Happiness

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HAPPY reading guys✨✨🧚

Adam was a ball of happiness the next day at school. He couldn't control the smile that kept creeping in whenever he thought about Fiona. Farouk teased him, and so did Amaka.

"You guys are just jealous." He said with a laugh following shortly after.

"LMAO, I've never seen you glow this much. Guy, did you change your perfume or something?" Farouk asked, teasing Adam the more.

He hissed before shaking his head. "You're clearly just overreacting. Allow me to enjoy what I have while it lasts." Adam said and for a fleeting moment, images of a lifeless Fiona flashed in his mind.

"Sureeee." Farouk dragged. "Did you give her my message?" Farouk asked.

"Yeah, she said thank you." Adam replied. They were having a free period and there was literally nothing for Adam to do or maybe he didn't just want to do anything at all. Adam suddenly remembered what Fiona had asked him to give Kelechi, and even if he didn't want to, he had to grant the dying girl her wish.  Adam sighed. "Have you seen Kelechi?" Adam asked.

Farouk blinked. He knew that there weren't as close as they used to be. Infact, they barely spoke at all. "Yeah, he went to see his mum. What's up?" Farouk asked with brows bent in confusion. "I have a message to deliver to him." Adam said shortly. "When you see him, tell him to meet me at that abandoned school shop, come with him too. I don't know, I might loose my temper just thinking about what he'd done to Fiona." Adam said.

Farouk nodded. "Yeah sure, but you really have to let go of this thing you have going on with Kelechi. It'll just hurt you the more you think about it, and just like you told me, Fiona's willing to forgive him, you should to. At least so you'll be at peace when you do so."

Adam looked at him before sighing loudly. "You make it sound so easy. I don't even know how Fiona does but it's hard, like whenever I try, I just end up thinking about that day." Adam said sadly. His finger ran through his hair which had grown an inch.

"It's a gradual process." Farouk simply said.

"A painful gradual process." Adam retorted.

Farouk placed an arm on his shoulder, "a painful gradual process that you have to go through." Farouk said with a small smile playing on his lips. The bell rang signalling break period.

Adam sighed. "I'm heading over to the abandoned school shop, I'll be waiting for you guys" Adam said. He stood up from his chair and gripped the note Fiona had given him to give to Kelechi.

"Okay." Farouk said before heading out of the class in search of Kelechi. Adam followed suit, as of right now he didn't have the appetite to take anything. A sudden feeling of sadness washed over him, it had been a few weeks since they had found out that Fiona was sick, and dying to. But, he couldn't live with the fact that it was soon. Normally, he would have been stylishly looking for a way to hang out with her, but now, now was completely different. He reached his destination and slumped on the broken tile stair without caring if it was dirty or not.

He twirled the letter in his hands, he was tempted to open it and read but decided against it. He just wondered how someone could be so forgiving. To think that he wasn't even the one that got hurt yet, it irked him so much whenever he thought about that day when Kelechi had broken her heart. His mind had travelled a kilometer away that he didn't realize when Farouk and Kelechi stopped just few inches away from him.

"Adam?" Farouk called. Adam didn't hear. Farouk called him again, this time louder than before. Adam jerked, as if  hot iron had been placed on his skin.

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