Ch. 12: Resuce Mission

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Thomas/Stiles' PoV:

I got a group of men together. We are off to rescue Newt. I ended up getting 20 men and women combined. Parrish was the only one that I really know.

I am in the back of the squad car, leg bouncing.

"We will get him." Parrish tells me.

"250 Benedict Industrial Wear-house" Smith says on the radio telling we are here.

I talk into the radio be fore we all go in.

"Okay, here is the plan. Any gaurd you see kill. Place the bombs everywhere so we can blow this place up. Janson looks like a stupid homeless put together Rat. If you see him shoot him 6 times. Right in the head and Face. And then I need Parrish and Smith with me to get Newt. Alright! CLEAR OUT!"

And with that we are storming into the warehouse. We are face to face with guards. Not knowing we were attacking. Good. I signal for Parrish and Smith to follow me to go rescue Newt.






That is all I hear as I run to get to Newt. Parrish and Smith are not as fast as me. Greenies.

I see a guard without his gun and helmet off. I know this is him showing me he can be trusted.

"I hate what they are doing to him. He is the last door." The dude says as he opens a vault door to a big hallway with rooms you would see in a  asylum. I sprint as fast as I can down the hall as the two officers follow me.

I get to the last door and start to bang on it. It wouldn't open...

I go to the key pad and hot wire it to open.


The door opens.

I look in and see something that will give me nightmares...

Newt had a chain to his left arm to keep him from escaping. I then see that his left leg is broken again. It is turned a way it shouldn't.

"Newt!" I yell as I kick into saving my love. He doesn't answer. I check his pulse and it is weak. He is unconscious. I take off the chain and get him in my arms. He is very under weight.

"Parrish, Smith, I need you to cover me as ai bring him out of here!" I yell.

"Oh I can't let you do that" I hear from behind me. I look and see that it is Janson.

"Fuck you!" I say and Parrish, Smith, and I all pull our guns shooting him. Its like he had a force field on.

"Can't get rid of me Thomas. We still need yo-" he was cut off by his head exploding and him falling to the ground. We look and see that the Guard who told us where Newt was killed him by throwing a Grenade at him.

"Smart, wanna help?" I ask him making sure Newt is secure.

"Let's do this!" He says clicking his gun.

We get in formation. Parrish and Smith in front. Me holding Newt in the Middle. And Roth, the guard helping us, in the back to make sure nothing happens.

"By the way, I helped him send the video. Just so you know. And they found out and beat him up and broke his left leg. I am so sorry." Roth tells me.

"Hey, it will be okay if he survives!" I tell him as we exit a back door and go get into one of the Vans. We see almost all of the officers running out to the Vans. They all get in and we start driving.

"Now or Never..."Parrish tells me handing me a detonator.

I look at Newt and check his Pulse. "It's over now, Newtie." I whisper in his ear. I take his hand and wrap it around the detonator and I make it like we both press the button.

We are finally safe.

4 Years Later ~ TW x TMRKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat