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Inui was waiting in the waiting room of the hospital. Haida and her were there for a checkup on Haida to see how he has recovered from his vasectomy. Haida was sitting down waiting on the doctor to come in to talk to him. After another minute the doctor finally came in. "Hey doctor", said Haida waving. The doctor smiled, "good morning Haida... So about your recovery". Haida curiously nodded, "yeahhhh... What about it, how is it"? The doctor grinned, "well you're fully recovered, and everything seems good, so I guess your vasectomy adventure is now over". Haida giggled, "oh thank you so much doctor for this". The doctor blushed, "oh please it's nothing, I just hope you and your wife can now enjoy eachother". "Wait one more question... Can I start sex today", asked Haida. The doctor smiled and nodded, "yup, yes you can have sexual inercorses now". "Alright, thanks again for everything", said Haida leaving the room. Haida came out into the waiting room and spotted Inui. Inui then stood up and hugged Haida, "Haida, what did the doctor say"? Haida grinned widely, "I'm done with recovery, and now we're in the clear for all sexual inercorses". "Oh my finally, it seems like it's been forever since the last time", said Inui. Haida took Inui's hand, "you ready to go back home now"? Inui nodded, "mhm... Sure am".

As they walked back to the lobby, Haida spoke. "Should we go on a date today"? Inui thought about it for a moment, "yeah sure, we haven't gone out on a date in a long time now". "Yeah it's has been a while, I heard a new restaurant opened nearby, we should go", said Haida. Inui nodded in agreement, "cool, we should definitely go then". Once they were outside of the hospital, Haida and Inui took a train ride back home. After a 20 minute train ride, Haida and Inui made it home. Haida opened and held the door for Inui to enter first. "So what time should we go out on this date", asked Inui. Haida thought for a second, "we should go in the late afternoon, so around 6:00". Inui nodded in agreement, "alrighty then, sounds good. Wait a minute... What about later tonight, after dinner. If you don't know what I mean, I'm saying later tonight in the bed". Haida blushed, "I see... You wanna make love tonight, but we'll see". Inui kissed Haida on the lips, "okay, we'll see then". Haida kissed Inui back, "anyways, what should we do in the meantime"? Inui thought for a moment, "do you wanna watch TV maybe"? Haida sat down on the couch, "yup, come sit down now". Inui sat down next to Haida and began cuddling next to him. Soon the both were chilling, watching some television.

5:30 PM

Haida was in the bathroom, changing into his public clothes, getting ready for the date with Inui. Inui knocked on the bathroom door, "are you done yet Haida, cause I'm ready". Haida came out of the bathroom and smiled, "um... How do I look"? "Hot", said Inui. Hair blushed, "and you... Yo-you just look great, very beautiful". Inui gave Haida a kiss on the cheek, "aw thanks". "Anyways are you ready to go out now" asked Haida. Inui nodded, "yup, I also can't wait for this date". Haida took Inui's hands, "me too, and maybe later tonight they're will probably be something special going on". Inui giggled and blushed, "I really hope so". Haida and Inui then began making their way towards the restaurant. It was very close to the house, so they decided to walk to it. After a 10 minute walk, Haida and Inui finally made it to the restaurant. "Wow this place looks great, what do they have here", said Inui. "What I saw from the website, it looks like steaks", said Haida. Haida and Inui then took their seats and ordered drinks. "No alcohol tonight Haida", asked Inui. Haida shook his head, "nope, I don't wanna be all hammered since I got something special going on tonight". Inui put her hand over Haida's, "I love you so much Haida". Haida kissed the top of Inui's hand, "I love you too". After that the waiter came by and took their food orders. After a few more minutes, their food came by. Haida took a bite out of his steak, "oh wow... This is delicious". Inui nodded in agreement, "it's really really good". "I can eat like 3 more of these, it's that good", said Haida. Inui giggled, "hehehe good, you need some food in your stomach". Haida tilted his head, "what does that mean"? "I mean you don't eat enough, to me your too skinny", said Inui. Haida nodded, "I mean... Well can't argue with you on that".

After Haida and Inui finish eating and paid for their food, they made their way back home. As they were walking, Inui put her arm around Haida's. "So you still have something special in mind later tonight"? Haida blushed, "I mean... If you know what I'm talking about, I gotta make sure if your down to... Do it". "By so it, do you mean make love", said Inui. Haida smiled and nodded, "you know it". Inui blushed and gave Haida a kiss on the cheek after that. They then made it to the house and entered. They were now both in the bed room, sitting on the couch. Haida was nervous, as he didn't know how to start off their love making. Inui was already one step ahead of his, by taking off her clothes. Haida took a quick glance at Inui who was already in her bra and panties. "Oh wow... You look great". Inui blushed, "thanks... Now your turn". Haida nodded and began getting naked. Now both Haida and Inui were naked, staring at eachother. Inui laid down on her back in the bed, "let's start off with some missionary". Haida then got in top of Inui, and began getting erected. "Wait I have one question Haida. When you have your orgasm, is anything gonna come out"? Haida nodded, "there should be only semen that comes out and no sperm". "Oh okay... You can start whenever you're ready", said Inui.

Haida then inserted his junk into Inui and sighed as he did. Inui let out a small moan, "wow I haven't felt this in a while". Haida then began slowly thrusting his junk into Inui. Soon enough Haida and Inui started kissing as they were having sex. "Oh Haida, your amazing", said Inui moaning. Haida grunted, "I love you Inui". They went back to kissing and Haida kept the same thrusting pase. After a few minutes of missionary, Haida has the feeling to ejaculate. "Inui I'm getting close". "Are you able to do it inside of me", said Inui. Haida nodded, "yeah, it's okay if I do ejaculate in you". A few seconds later, Haida started grunting as he ejaculated inside of Inui. "Ahhhhhhhhhh yesss... Oh Hiro, your amazing", said Inui having her orgasm. As Haida finished and pulled out, he heard that sentence in his head again. "Hiro? Who's Hiro"? Inui's face turned into embarrassment, "oh no... I called you the wrong name". Haida tilted his head, "what's wrong Inui, and is Hiro someone else"? Inui looked down, "please don't be mad Haida". Haida kissed Inui on the lips, "I promise I won't get angry". Inui took a deep breath, "Okay, well this Hiro, he's my ex and he was the last guy I dated until you. I haven't told you, but I still talk to him, since we remain as close friends. I guess his name just slipped out also both of your names start with the letter H. I know it sounds like an excuse, but it's the truth". "I believe you Inui, there's no harm done. Also I'd like to hear more about this guy, since you still talk to him", said Haida. Inui smiled, "he's actually my closest friend, he was my roommate in college. Then after college we started dating, but he had some mental health issues, so us being together wasn't helping. We realized it was better for us to just be friends and it's been better since".

"How much do you chat with him and why haven't you told me", asked Haida. Inui thought for a moment, "a few time a week, we start off a conversation. And the reason why I haven't told you is because I thought you'd be mad about me talking with another guy". "Oh Inui your allowed to talk to others, I ain't gonna stop you from interacting with others", said Haida. Inui smiled, "Wow really, you and Hiro are the only ones that are fine with me talking to others". Haida put his hand over Inui's shoulder, "you ever wanna meet up with this guy, your free whenever". Inui began tearing up, "thank you, I really want to meet up with him because I haven't in over a year, plus he has depression and lives alone, so it's harder on him". Haida wiped a tear off Inui's face, "that's terrible, if you want, you can go meet him tomorrow". Inui hugged Haida, "thank you Haida, I love you... Hey you should come with me". Haida blushed, "r-really, aren't I gonna interrupt you two though". Inui shook her head, "no you ain't, also he doesn't know I'm married". Haida nodded, "oh alright, then tommorow we go". Inui laid down on her back, "cmon let's just go to sleep now". Haida laid down with Inui, "sure, let's go to sleep now, cause I'm tired after having sex". Haida and Inui the went to sleep, holding onto eachother, ready to leave tomorrow.

Haida and Inui's Love Story, An Aggretsuko Fanfiction (read description)Where stories live. Discover now