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"What's wrong? You seem distracted. Ever since we got here you've been off." Isen asked ezlynn. Snapping her out of her thoughts.

"H-huh?! Oh...yeah!" Ezlynn said. "Uh....that's..okay" isen said, turning back to remi. "Again, anyone have any idea as to where seraphina might be?" Remi asked, just as arlos phone began to ring.

Arlo didn't answer, but soon got a message. "what the hell?!" arlo said, annoyed. he turned on his phone and read the message aloud. "up and down, round and round, where might sera be going now? i suggest you search where it all began.."

"who sent that?..." remi asked. "its an unknown number.. but where did this all start?..." isen said, as he looked over arlos shoulder t read the message. "i can't help with that" ezlynn said. "no sh*t" blyke said.

"the mall" someone said, walking up them. "john" ezlynn said. "what do you mean?" remi asked. "it all began at the mall, where me and sera got followed" john explained. "oh..should we go there?" isen asked.

"yeah" we all agreed.


The group ran into the mall, and john leaded them towards the area they got the spy bear from. When they finally reached the area, they found a note saying:

"You've gotten closer! Which is always great! The last area you have to go before you reach you dear dear, very very strong friend, has some answers for you! An area, where sera has been, john has targeted, and what john needed before!"

"Where? What?" Isen asked aloud. "Um...sera has been...john has targeted....and what john needed before
..." remi mumbled, trying to find where their friend was. "The school?.." blyke asked. "No no! The safe house!" Ezlynn shouted, which made perfect sense. "Oh yeah.." john said.

"Let's go then" arlo said, walking off.


They arrived at the safe house. Knowing what they might find, a letter, or sera, which they don't think. They found a letter, and isen picked it up to read.

"1. Who is behind all this?: someone who has a reputation to uphold, and someone you might know.
2.why sera?: because she plays a major role in my plan.
3.where is seraphina?!: shes currently the first place she got taken, by those other students who had a grudge to settle, after they found out she didn't have her powers anymore."

Isen finished reading,and three the paper on the ground. "What's his plan? Why just tell us where she is? What is he up to?!" Isen shouted. "Calm down, let's just go get her!" Remi shouted back.


As we walked into the warehouse, I had a weird feeling of being watched, almost as I was the only person in a room with a two way mirror. I sighed.

"Ezlynn stay here, keep watch, we are going in. " arlo explained as he activated his ability. Me,remi, blyke and isen all activated our abilities.

I walked in first being the strongest, the others following behind. I stopped in my tracks when I saw sera.


OOOOOO cliffhanger !!!! What do you guys think is gonna happen?...what's sera condition?...who took her and sending the messages?...what is up with ezlynn?..guess we'll find out next chapter, the last chapter

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