ten: let's take a break

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We settled for some seats in the middle row, and I immediately noticed how tense and inpatient Suho was, staring at his pocket-watch every once in a while and I wondered if he was really that eager to see Irene, or if he just wanted this whole entire circus to be done with once and for all. And If I knew my brother well, it was definitely the second one.

At some point I felt baby loser staring at my side profile intently and it was starting to make me feel awkward so I turned around to face her but she diverted her eyes immediately and I didn't miss the subtle pink blush coating her cheeks. Furrowing my brows, I thought she was acting strange until I felt a slight tugging on my arm which made me realize we were still holding hands, our fingers entwined and all, and I immediately pulled out of her grip.

"Sorry" I mumbled.

But she didn't say anything, and instead we fell into another uncomfortable silence.

The string quartet started playing a soothing tune and everyone knew the bride had arrived. One by one, each and everyone of us got up to watch her stride her way down the aisle – everyone except baby loser, whose glasses had just fallen on the ground. I'm starting to think she should really get lenses.

It's honestly unbelievable the way she's always doing some shit at the most inappropriate times – almost as if she does it on purpose or something. Rolling my eyes, I tried my best to ignore the weird girl crouching down to look for her glasses but, of course, she wouldn't let me. Long story short: Irene's heel got stuck on Roseanne's dress while the latter was still on the floor, and she ended up tripping and falling on her face right before she reached the altar. It's safe to say none of us could hold in our laughter except for baby loser, of course.

Irene's bitchy face was priceless.

After Roseanne's word vomit of silly apologies, the ceremony finally began and needless to say, it was boring as fuck. Once the vows had been said, the kiss had been kissed and all that romantic crap was done for, we moved to the other side of the hotel's garden for the reception, which would also be held outdoors. If I'm being honest here, everything looked really beautiful, but don't tell Suho I said that.

All I wanted at this point was to go home, that's why when the guests were all gathered around the couple as they sliced the cake, I stayed put in my seat just drinking some champagne and brooding because, not only was I forced into attending this stupid wedding, but apparently Irene wanted me to propose a toast and pretend we were one happy little family. What a load of shit.

"Here you go, unnie" baby loser's voice interrupted my musings.

Looking up, I met her gaze and she was already looking at me with a smile while she placed a small plate with a slice of cake in front of me. I looked at it for a moment and then back up at her and frowned.

"I didn't ask for cake."

"I know" she shrugged as she sat down next to me at our table, her smile never leaving.

I stared at her as she basically devoured her own slice and I realized the way her cheeks would puff out with food made her look like a squirrel or something. Cute.

"Thanks" I muttered softly.

She just smiled at me and continued eating.

About half an hour later, when people were scattered around just talking and enjoying the live music, I took a sip of cold water and cleared my throat, for it was already time for my toast. Getting up, I clinked my champagne glass with a knife to gather everyone's attention.

blame it on meNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ