"I'm behind you, dumbass." Mark noted, his voice suddenly a lot closer. Donghyuck turned around and let out a gasp as he saw Mark appear through the vines.

The man's appearance had changed drastically. His hair was tied up in a bun and he was shirtless just like Donghyuck. The thing that caught Donghyuck's attention the most thought was Mark's face. It was littered in bruises and cuts, a big one of the last dragging down from his cheek to his bottom lip.

"What happened to you?" Donghyuck managed to choke out, still taken aback by Mark's sudden and violent entry to the glade.

"Uh, I survived?" Mark snapped, rolling his eyes. In his hand, Donghyuck now noticed the gun. He connected the dots of Mark's statement about his dinner with the weapon in his hand.

"You wanted to shoot that deer?" he asked in terror.

Mark gave him one, pejorative look and scoffed "Yes. And for your information it's a pudu, not a deer. There's a difference."

"But why would you?" the younger asked, scanning Mark's body up and down. It was covered and sweat, not surprisingly, and a few cuts spread over his chest and shoulders down to his back. Deliberately Donghyuck did not pay attention to Mark's built and toned body. Instead he bit his lip in worry. Some of the cuts looked deep.

"Why would I hunt a pudu? Are you dumb? I need food, don't I?" Mark snorted and gave Donghyuck another cold look. The other felt shivers running down his spine. It was obvious that Mark wasn't in a good mood and that Donghyuck was the cause of that.

"I only hunt fish." Donghyuck said. He didn't know why he was giving Mark this information, seeing as the older had no use for it but he still wanted to share. He held up his knife as if it showed any proof, any fish blood on it to prove Donghyuck's statement.

"Good on you. Now get out of here, I need to hunt something for dinner and that's not going to work if your loud voice alarms any animal in a fifty meter radius." Mark snarled, his voice low and irritated.

"Why are you so rude? Literally what did I even do to you?" Donghyuck snapped. He was growing tired of Mark's arrogant and conceited attitude.

"I don't know. Let me think." Mark replied sarcastically, putting his hand to his chin in a thinker pose. Then he made a face of fake realisation and said "Ah yes. You disturbed my hunting, scared my prey away and now every animal around us knows that we're here. Also you're a brat."

"Fuck off. You don't own this jungle. I can come and go whenever I want." Donghyuck replied through gritted teeth. His hands were grasping the knife tightly, almost as if he planned on stabbing Mark. Which as of right now did not sound like a bad idea.

"Why don't you go piss off to your pretty little beach, huh? Let the real man do the hunting while you go cook some fish." Mark suggested, his voice laced in annoyance and anger. He, too, had a tight grip around his weapon.

"Real man? Oh yeah, because you're acting so mature right now. Talking about how I scared your dinner away and acting like you're so much better than me when in reality our chances of survival would be so much higher if we worked together." Donghyuck argued back.

"I would rather die than work with you to be honest. You, if anything, would probably be the reason of my death. So no thank you, I'd rather survive on my own." Mark snickered. His voice portrayed amusement but his face stayed serious, cold even. His jaw was clenched and Donghyuck could tell Mark's whole body was super tensed right now.

"Fine. You can die alone for all I care about. But don't blame me. I offered." Donghyuck said and huffed. He turned around, feeling Mark's hot glare on his back, and walked down his path, away from the glade.

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