Six - Joining the Other Side

Comenzar desde el principio

Melina got lifted in the air with a hand on her neck and she struggled to breathe. She clawed at the hand and tried to use any method she learned but nothing seemed to work. This vampire had to be old and skilled, she couldn't even get in a position to kick him in the groin.

"This is for my sister." He whispered in her ear and was about to snap her neck but before he did, he fell down to the ground in pain, releasing Melina who fell with a thud and clawing her neck, trying to get air in so that she could breathe.

Melina turned and saw a bloody Mira who stood behind the dead man's body. She held a stake with the vampire's blood on it. "Fun girl's day." Mira laughs. Melina laughs in joy, pride, and gratefulness at her friend.


Damon, Elijah, and Rose enter the blood soaked, destroyed store where Mira and Melina sat on the floor, covered in blood. Five dead bodies laying on the floor.

Mira quietly facetimed Damon when Melina was fighting the vampires, and he happened to be with Elijah and Rose. She didn't have time to text and couldn't speak without the vampires hearing so she facetimed them, showing them what happened.

"Hey," Melina quietly whispered, still hurt from where the vampire stabbed earlier.

"Oh my god," Rose muttered looking around the place.

Elijah came closer and saw Melina's wound. "Blood?" He offered and bit into his wrist when she weakly nodded. He put the wound on her mouth and watched as she sipped the blood which already started healing her.

"What the hell happened?" Damon asked.

"We got ambushed." Melina states, trying to stand but toppled over and fell into Elijah's arms. His fingertips brushed her waist where her shirt raised. She felt a few butterflies fly into her stomach at this action.

"By who?" Damon asked, examining the place and holding Mira against him. Mira liked it, not that she would admit it.

"Vampires with vengeance." Mira says.

"That should be a band name." Melina points out. "Vampire Vengeance."

"Oh yeah!" Mira agreed. "Vampire Vengeance, world tour. First show in Chicago."

"Why Chicago?" Melina asked.

"Why not?"

"Fair point."

"Can you two stop for five minutes?" Damon asked in irritation.

"You shouldn't talk to two people who were almost killed like that, Damon." Melina scolded, jokingly.

"Do they do this often?" Elijah asked, finally joining in the conversation.

"Too often." Damon answered.

"What do we do about this?" Rose asks, finding a bloody stake on the floor.

"No one saw?" Damon asks for confirmation.

Melina hummed and Mira said, "Yup."

"Then we will compel people that this store will have to be closed and we'll dispose of the bodies, clean the place up." Elijah answers, his hand on the small of Melina's back and her body weight on his.

"Great, let's get burgers." Melina states.

"Yes!" Mira cheers.

"No, no, no!" Damon stops their stupid idea. "You're covered in blood if you don't remember."

"Minor detail." Melina waves him off.

"You two look like you're gonna pass out any second." Rose observes.

Mira groans, "The last time I felt like this was when we were in Las Vegas."

"What happened in Las Vegas?" Damon asks with furrowed eyebrows.

"When did you go there?" Rose asks.

"My twenty-first birthday." Mira answers, reminiscing over the memories. "That was fun, we did a whole thing. Twenty-one drinks, twenty-one presents-"

Melina cuts her off with a smirk. "-twenty-one men... and women."

Elijah may not admit it but he felt a slight pit form at his stomach in those words. He denies these feelings. He just met the girl for god's sake.

"Now that," Rose points, "sounds like a party."

"Wait," Damon says, "women?"

"I'm pansexual and she's bi," Mira says and points to me. Damon looks like he's rethinking life.

"Have you two ever..." Damon trails off pointing at us. Melina puts a finger to her lips and Mira chuckles. Damon pulls a face and seems like he's rethinking life again.

"I'll bring them to the car." Elijah says, wanting a change in conversation.

"Sure," Melina agrees, leaning into his touch. Elijah tightens his hold on her, pulling her closer to his body, her hands on his chest, head tucked underneath his chin.

"No!" Mira exclaims, not tired. "I'm fine, I didn't get hurt. This blood," she waves over her body, "not mine. I want to help you clean."

"Honey, no." Damon denies.

"Honey, yes." She says, jutting out her chin in defiance. She really does want to help considering she did not get seriously hurt and Damon's blood fixed the slight injuries she did get.

"Just let her help, she's too stubborn and I'm too tired for this shit." Melina interrupts, wanting rest.

"Let's go." Elijah mutters, bringing her to the car, carefully.

"What were you doing before you came?" Melina asks in a quiet voice.

"Nothing important." Elijah answers. Oddly enough no one glanced their way as Elijah covered her body with his own, hiding her.

"Oh no, mister." Melina shakes her head. "Whenever someone says that it means that it was important. For example that time I interrupted someone about to commit suicide." Elijah holds an odd face. "Now, I don't know about you but that's important."

"That's..." Elijah tries to find the right word, "quite an interesting story."

"Right." She agrees, "I have many. You would be surprised by all the odd things that happen."

"I would love to hear them all one day," he says with compassion, opening the huge car's door and setting her down in the back.

"I would love to tell them." She replies, laying her head against the back of the seat, not looking at Elijah but slightly up instead.

They both did not know this but the small interaction brought them closer. Helping to start the adventure that would be theirs.


Author's note.

This was a filler chapter since there was no Elijah in this episode. My writing is getting worse and I'm starting to get lazy and that's a problem. Why must I be lazy? Why?


People are starting to read and I'm getting nervous but thank you all! I love you all <3

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