France threw the spear as Mali watches it hit her with wide eyes. She shrieked and it hit her back.

Rome was dropped from the air. He yelps as he falls. Rome tried to land on his feet but one of his feet twisted.

France runs up to him as he cried in pain.

"Come on, Runt, we got to go. There are more people here than you know."

"Ow... My foot hurts..."

France grumbles, nothing seems to be working today. France fights internally, before picking Rome up and carrying him out. "Your lucky Britain told me to take care of you," France strained, running with Rome on her shoulders.

Rome is surprised and has never been carried before.


France was getting tired of holding Rome. "Alright, Runt. Sit here for a second." She laid him down by a tree. "How is your foot?"

Rome tried getting up. His foot sent a shock of pain but he could kind of stand.

"I think it was just sprained. You'll live." She looks at Rome. Rome gives a smile but is still a little in pain. "I can't mess around, I have to get back to base. Andorra is waiting there. She's probably scared out of her mind." France passed uneasy around, on the warm dry leaves that scattered the floor.

"Andorra?" He asks.

"Yes, Andorra is my daughter, in a way."

"Oh." Rome understood.

"Come on, we should start going. Can you walk?"

Rome walked forward, he limped but was okay. "I'm good."

France watched Rome as he slowly walks to make sure he doesn't fall or make his foot worse.

Then, Rome hears movement in the trees and bushes around them. "France..." He says not looking at her but around the forest.


"Hear something..."

France looks around. "Africans?"

"Don't think so... Hear... growling."


"Wait... no- Laughing..."

"Oh please give me a break, not these two..." It didn't take long for France to know who was following them.

"Who are they?" Rome asked quietly.

"The twins, both are rebels, and I have no idea how they even survived the day." France prowled around Rome. "Australia, and New Zealand..." France scoffed, keeping a watchful eye out. Rome quietly looked in confusion as to the sound he kept hearing got louder and louder.

"Ce n'est pas bien." (This is not good) France whispered, picking Rome off the ground once again. "You better hold on, I'm going to have to run for it. Australia does not have a very good track record of being nice to European members." France took her stance scanning every inch of the lush forest.

(Canceled) Hiraeth - Couthyhumans Mafia AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin