Chapter 12

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Savannah was in the kitchen cooking food. Soon enough Sam came inside the house. The pack behind him. "Hey guys what's up" Savannah asked. "Well the Cullen's had to tell us that they need our help with The Voltouri coming to kill them because of Renesmee"Jared said. Savannah sighed. "We can never get a break" Savannah said. Sam hugged Savannah from behind. "Where is Hayley" Paul asked. Sam noticed that Paul would asked about his daughter a lot lately. "She is in her room can you go get her Paul" Savannah asked. Paul nodded. "Why is Paul asking about my daughter a lot lately" Sam asked. Savannah looked at the pack who were shocked and scared. Paul came down the stairs with Hayley in his arms. "Why are you asking about my kid lately Paul" Sam asked. Paul looked at Savannah. She looked at him worriedly. "Jacob can you take Hayley" Paul asked. Jacob nodded he took Hayley in his arms. "Sam calm down" Paul said. "What did you do Paul" Sam asked angrily. "I imprinted on Hayley" Paul said nervously. "You did what" Sam asked. "It wasn't my choice you know we can't help who we imprint on." Paul said. "Jacob can you take Hayley somewhere safe maybe her room please" Savannah asked. Jacob nodded and went to Hayley play room and began to play with her. "You imprinted on my daughter"Sam asked angrily. Sam was shaking as if he was about to phase. Until Savannah stepped in front of him. "Hey look at me" Savannah said putting her hands on Sam cheeks. Sam looked at her. Once he looked at her he calmed down. "Paul is hot headed I know he is. But who else would you want to protect your daughter. Paul is my best friend. He was there when you weren't. When Hayley needed to calm down when you were here. He was. Please for Hayley don't hurt him" Savannah said. Sam sighed and looked at Paul. He moved past Savannah and stood in front of Paul. He held his hand out. Paul shook his hand. "Don't hurt my daughter Paul promise you will take care of her an treat he right when she is older" Sam asked. Paul nodded. Soon all three went to Hayley room to see the pack playing with Hayley and making her laugh. Savannah smiled. "So what do you think is gonna happen with The Cullen's and everything" Savannah asked. "I don't know but if it comes down to a fight then I don't want you fighting. I want you to stay with Hayley and Kim" Sam said. "Let's talk in our bedroom" Savannah said. Sam walked with her to the bedroom. "I know you want to keep me safe but let me help you" Savannah said. "No I don't want you too" Sam said. "Why? Why won't you let me help you" Savannah asked slightly raising her voice. "Because I can't lose you again" Sam said slightly tearing up. Savannah was a taken back. "What are you talking about" Savannah asked. Sam sighed and sat on the bed and motioned for Savannah to sit next to him. "Well when you were in a coma before the newborn battle do you know how lonely I felt when you weren't there. When I saw you laying on our bed with a peaceful face I knew this was my fault. And then when you were pregnant with Hayley and when I... "Sam said but had to take a deep breath." When I hurt you I knew I messed up big. When I left I knew I did the right thing to keep you safe. I knew that me being gone would keep you and Hayley safe. Even if that meant Hayley would grow up without me" Sam said as tears fell. Savannah was shocked. He still blamed himself. Savannah sighed and sat on Sam's lap. "Look I know that you are still upset at yourself for everything but don't worry about it. I love you. Hayley loves you. I'll stay here with Hayley. But promise me that when you fight if it does ever come to that that you be careful and you come back to me and Hayley please." Savannah asked. Sam nodded. "Besides I should look forward to Christmas with you and with Hayley"Sam said. Savannah smiled. "I love you Savannah" Sam said. "I love you too" Savannah said. The couple sat in their bedroom taking time with each other.
~Later that night~
Savannah and Sam were asleep. Hayley was in her crib sleeping. Then she woke up. She started to whimper and cry. Savannah was about to wake up but Sam woke up. "No go back to sleep I got it" Sam said. Savannah went back to sleep. Sam got up an walked to Hayley room. He opened the door and walked to her crib. He then picked up Hayley carried her. "What wrong" Sam asked in a baby voice. Hayley stopped crying and opened her eyes. Sam smiled and sat in a chair. "Why you crying" Sam asked. Hayley made baby noises. Sam kissed her cheek. "Let me tell you something Hay. When I met your mommy I felt like my whole world was revolved around your mommy. I felt like I found my Luna. And I did. Then I asked your mommy to marry me after the newborn battle. (I forgot to put that in). Your mommy said yes. Then your mommy found out that she was pregnant with you. I was beyond happy. Then I hurt your mommy and I almost hurt you" Sam said almost breaking down into tears. Hayley cooed at her dad. She put her hand on Sam's face. Sam smiled at her. "Then I left your mommy. I felt like it was the only thing to keep you safe. Then Paul came and got me and told me all about your mommy and then he told me about when you were born. I ran back home. When I saw your mommy for the first time again I broke down. I missed your mommy. Then your mommy introduced me to you and I fell in love with you. You look like your mommy only with my hair color. And my features. I can't wait to marry you mommy and we can be a family. " Sam said. Hayley smiled at him. Then Hayley yawned and fell asleep. Sam smiled at the little baby who fell asleep in his arms. He then put her in the crib with a little wolf plushie. He then went back into the room where Savannah was still asleep at and got in bed and pulled the covers and wrapped his arms around her. Keeping her safe and secure just like he has been doing all this time.

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