Chapter 10

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"Jefferson," someone said. I looked up to see Madeline at the door.

"Hi. Come in." Her heels clacked against the floor as she walked over to the empty chair beside me and set her purse in her lap. She wore a seashell bracelet on her wrist.

"So Grace has not woken up yet?" Her green eyes travelled to my daughter's sleeping form.

"No. She's getting better though. The doctors say that she'll wake up sooner or later."

"That's good." She smiled slightly, and turned to face me. "And how are you doing?"

"I have to stay here as a patient for a couple more days, but I got stitched up and my injuries aren't infected, so I'll be fine."

"I meant more along the terms of; how are you coping with everything?"

"Oh." I shifted in my seat. "I'm okay, I guess. Her curse parents are letting me have Grace back after all this is over. The dad hates me, but the mom is nice."

"That's wonderful! Not the dad hating you, of course, but that you'll have Grace back. I can see how much you love her."

"Yeah." I glanced over at my daughter.

"What happened to her mother?" I froze, swallowing uncomfortably. "Oh, I'm sorry. It's not my place. I didn't mean to-"

"It's alright. Her mother, she's... deceased." My voice cracked, and I looked away. I thought I'd gotten over her, but every time she was mentioned, I was hit with another wave of sadness.

"That's unfortunate. No one should have to lose their mother, or their spouse, for that matter." For some reason, she suddenly seemed sad herself, and not just as sympathy for me. There was something else.

"Yeah." She was silent for a moment, then starting digging into her purse for something.

"Ah, here it is," she said, pulling out her notebook. I looked over at it as she flipped through the pages. "I wanted to give you this." She took a drawing out and put it in my hands. It was a picture of Grace and me. We were looking at each other and grinning. It made me smile.

"Thank you. It's amazing."

"I'm glad you like it. I was at the docks doodling for a bit the other day, and I ended up drawing you two." Madeline smiled, and I looked over at her. It dawned on me that I'd never seen her with someone; she was always alone.

"Do you have anyone special in your life?"

"Not like a husband or boyfriend or anything. I have sisters, and a father, but I haven't seen them since the curse."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay." It obviously wasn't.

"Did you lose your mother, too? Like Grace?" She hesitated before answering.

"As a child, yes."

"No one should have to lose their mother," I said, repeating what she had said earlier.

"Are you stealing my lines now?" She teased, a hint of a smile on her face. "You thief." I laughed, but stopped when I noticed her staring, at my neck. "What is-"

"It's nothing." I put my hand on my neck, to cover up part of the scar that circled my throat. That's why I wore scarves so often: so that no one would see it.

"Jefferson..." She grabbed my hand and pulled it away from my neck, "how did you get this?"

"I got my head cut off in Wonderland," I blurted. I remembered the panic of seeing my body fall to the ground while my head stayed in the hand of one of the Queen of Hearts's guards.

"W-why did they cut your head off?" She seemed to be having trouble grasping the subject.

"Because I helped someone steal something- it was for a job- and they caught me, and I couldn't get them to work," I rambled. My eyes focused on the floor.

"Couldn't get what to work?"


"Why... were they magical?" She guessed.

"They were supposed to be. I told them I came there by a hat, which the person I came with stole, so they told me to get it to work. But I don't have magic, so I couldn't get it to work-" I took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. "And I couldn't get back to my daughter." Madeline glanced over at Grace, and nodded like she understood.

"That's how you left her. You went on a job, and weren't able to come back." I nodded. "And you're the Mad Hatter." I nodded again.

"Who are you, really?"

"My... my name is Attina."

"That's a beautiful name." She looked away, blushing for some reason. I wracked my brain for a story behind the name, but came up with nothing. "So who were you before the curse?"


"That doesn't answer my question."

"The oldest of seven sisters."

"That's interesting, but it still isn't a good answer. If I can confirm that I used to be a mad hatter, then you can tell me who you were- are." I looked her right in the eyes. Why was she so uncomfortable with this question? She took a deep breath.

"I was a princess, alright! That's all you need to know."

"Hmm... I should've guessed." Things were starting to make sense now. "You know, there's countless other royals in this town. You don't have to hide your nobility. You shouldn't be afraid of people treating you differently." Her face portrayed frustration.

"But I'm not like them."

"How so?"

"Know what! This is pointless! I going to leave now." She fumbled with her purse and stood up. She hadn't gotten very far before I grabbed her by the wrist.

"Wait," I sighed. Madel- Attina turned to look at me. "I'm sorry, alright? Please don't leave. I, I won't ask about your past anymore, okay?"

"It's not necessary for you to know everything about me."

"I know."

"Then why do you try to?"

"Because... I'm curious."

"Not a good enough answer." She crossed her arms.

"Just because!"

"Because why?"

"Because I like you!" Things suddenly became quiet, and I blushed. Her eyes widened. "Not like that, necessarily... But I want to get to know you."

"Fair enough. How about this: You can ask me questions about myself whenever you'd like, but if I don't want to answer, then you can't press the issue. Alright?"

"Alright." She sat back down. "So... What's your favorite color?"

"Blue," she said, smiling.

"Like the ocean?"

"Like the ocean."

We spent the next forty minutes talking without yelling at each other- which was nice- before she had to leave. The last thing I saw was her enchanting smile as she passed by our window in the hallway.

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