The Mission

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It's been a few weeks since the psycho duo turned into the psycho trio, almost every day someone new would go back to their friends or family bloodied and beat up. Aspen, Bellatrix, and Athena got to the point that they no longer only tortured kids in Hogwarts, they started going out into the muggle world and anyone they felt like torturing got tortured, many of them didn't do anything wrong and had no idea about the wizarding world but suffered greatly for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time, but the people who got it worst of all we're muggle-borns a.k.a mudbloods.

It was safe to say that psycho trio had become worse than all the death eaters combined. Including the dark lord.

Bellatrix had become one of the dark lord's most trusted members practically since the day she became one, but now, he trusted her even more, along with Aspen, and Athena. Any missions that we're more difficult the dark lord wouldn't hesitate to send them, because he knew that anyone who he wanted dead, they wanted dead, and if they wanted someone dead, that person was dead, he also had them gather any intel on the order they could get and as also they didn't disappoint.

The trio walked into the Malfoy Manor which was where the death eater meetings were always held. Unlike the others who walked in with their heads down to afraid to look at the dark lord in case it might make him mad, the girls walked in with their heads held high and power in each step they took. "Do you have any more information about the order?" Voldemort asked the trio as they walked in and completely ignored the room full of people. "Yes, you have a traitor, " Aspen said bluntly, "and we know who it is, " the three girls said all at once, through the side of her eye Aspen glanced at Regulus and Peter, but luckily for them, no one saw. "Well, who is it?!" Voldemort said in an annoyed tone since they were taking forever to tell him, the trio ignored him talking and saw three spots where they wanted to sit, and instead of asking them to move the girl kicked them out of the chair, let's say they were not happy about this. The three girls looked down at the boys who were now on the floor with pissed-off faces, "hello again brothers, " Athena said with a smirk looking down at Tom and Mattheo Riddle, a.k.a Voldemort's children.

Everyone except Voldemort, the trio, Tom, and Mattheo were shocked because no one knew that the dark lord had a daughter, they knew of the two sons but Athena was kept secret from most. Regulus looked up at Aspen who was unaffected and paid no attention to her twin who was on the ground. The three boys got up and walked over to the only three spots available which were next to the girls, "you could have sat here yet you chose to kick us off the seats?" Tom said annoyed at the trio, then Regulus, Tom, Mattheo, Bellatrix, Athena started arguing while Aspen sat there unaffected until she got fed up and told them all to shut the fuck up. "Finally, goddamn, I thought your guys' bickering would never end, " Aspen said annoyed then Walburga tried saying something to her about respect which got Aspen mad and the girls and Regulus could tell but didn't have time to stop her, "you shut up too! You have no right to talk about respect, " then Aspen put a silencing spell on Walburga and Orion and looked back at Voldemort unamused, "you want information? We'll give you information but first, we want something in return." Aspen said with no care that she was demanding things from the dark lord, "how dare you demand something from me?! You listen to me not the other way around so you will do as I say! Now I said give me the information!" Voldemort yelled at her but she paid no attention until he was stopped talking or yelling, "are you done yet?" Aspen asked but continued before he could answer, we will tell you who the traitor is right now if you simply make sure that we start getting the fun missions, like killing people, cause you know lately you been giving us pretty boring missions." Voldemort, Mattheo, and Tom looked at her impressed but confused on how someone could be more psycho than Bella and Voldemort combined.

"Fine I'll start giving you more killing missions, now tell me who's the traitor!" Voldemort demanded, "fine, it's Peter, " she put her feet up on the table and looked at her well-taken care of black acrylic nails, only to look up and see everyone staring at her besides Athena and Bella, Peter now looked more nervous than ever but tried to hide it from the dark lord so he wouldn't see guilty, "what do you bitches want?!" Aspen got annoyed by people staring at her, "I told you the traitor, now if you're too scared to take care of him I'll happily do it myself, " Aspen said now looking at Voldemort which shocked people that she kept testing fate with the way she talked to him but at the same time everyone expected it at this point.

Voldemort looked at Peter who was now internally panicking and a little bit on the outside too, "my lord if I may-" Voldemort cut Peter off, "let him be an example. This is what happens when you betray me!" Voldemort said angrily with his wand pressed against Peters's neck ready to cast the killing curse, "wait, I have an idea!" Aspen said making Voldemort angrier, "I think that's enough out of you for today!" He yelled harshly at her but this got Aspen mad and she stood up slamming her fist on the table, "I don't think you have heard enough from me! I could say a lot more but I'm not so shut up and stop getting such a hurt ego cause someone has balls to stand up to you!" Aspen shouted angrily at him then continued to say, "Since the order already trusts him and thinks he's on their side have him give them fake information on us, we can set traps ready for them when they arrive, and on top of that he can give us information on them and if he lies or tries to trick us in any way we kill him on the spot." Voldemort let the idea process for a second then shoved Peter away from him, "that's a good idea, but for now we keep him locked up, make sure he has no way to communicate to them with any warnings. The meeting is over!!!" then Voldemort walked out of the room and Aspen got a hold of Peter but Walburga and Orion came up to her, "Athena, Bella!" Aspen shouted to them without breaking contact with her mother, and then the girls came and Aspen then turned to look at them, "can you take him to you know where. I have some business to take care of, " Aspen told them referring to her parents and they nodded and took Peter, Aspen then turn back to her parents, "what do you want bitch?" Aspen said to her mother and this made Walburga mad and grip onto Aspen's arm tightly leaving a bruise, "don't you dare talk to me like that!" she shouted at her but not loud enough to cause a scene but it definitely caught the attention of the riddle brothers, "everything okay over here?" Mattheo asked looking at Walburga's hand that was tightly around Aspen's arm, "everything is fine, you can leave now, " Walburga said harshly but carefully seeing as she didn't want to upset the dark lord's sons, Tom then stepped up, "well we need to talk to Aspen, so I think it's you who needs to leave now, " he said to Walburga with little patience, "how dare you speak to me that way!" Walburga said angrily then Aspen had enough and threw her mother's hand off her, "don't touch me again, your lucky I didn't say you were the traitor and let Voldemort kill you right here, " Aspen said harshly, "what has happened to you? You used to follow the rules and be so respectful, " Walburga said to Aspen while reaching to put a strand of Aspen's hair behind her ear but Aspen knew that her mother just wanted to attempt her hurt her one more time so Aspen swatted her arm before it could reach her, "well news flash, mother, people change, you wanna know what happened?" Aspen said annoyed but in a harsh tone then got close to Walburga so she could whisper in her ear, "you and father happened, " then Aspen went back to her place before and glared into her mother's cold eyes, "we talk about this attitude later!" Walburga said angrily as Aspen walked away, "no we won't!"

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