The Beginning

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"Shut up you filthy blood-traitor you'll be disowned soon! You have done nothing but tarnish the family name you're a disgrace!" Walburga screamed at Sirius, waking Aspen and Regulus up.

"Good morning," Aspen said to Regulus, as they both were greeted with each others presence while exiting their rooms due to hearing none other than probably the millionth fight this week, between their older brother Sirius and mother Walburga. "Good morning" Regulus greeted his sister the same as she did to him, "shall we go see what our idiot brother has done now?" Aspen asked her twin as he nodded and they walked downstairs.

"Good morning," the twins said at the same time and in the same tone, "Oh! Good, You both are up, Kreacher is making breakfast, KREACHER HURRY UP!" Walburga said, and quickly turning back at Sirius only to give him a death glare, and then turned to her two children whom she wasn't ashamed to call hers.
It was currently 8:30 AM, and everyone was getting ready to disapparate to the train station, "Kreacher, could you please take my bags downstairs", Aspen asked the house-elf politely, "of course Mistress" Kreacher responded and with a pop, he was gone along with her bags for Hogwarts.

Soon the kids with their bags in one hand and one of their parent's arms in the other disapparated to platform 9 ¾, Sirius, not wanting to spend another minute with his treacherous family, had already disapparated. Once the family apparated at platform 9 ¾ they said their goodbyes and the twins rushed off to the train then parted ways to find their friends.

The young girl heard a very familiar voice call out her name, Aspen quickly turned around and saw her best friend whom she had been friends with since they were in diapers. "Fleur!"
The two girls ran towards each other finally embracing the other girl for the first time in months, although they did constantly write to each other, it wasn't the same as being with each other face-to-face.

After what felt like forever they finally let go of each other not noticing that they had just happened to meet right in front of the compartment which contained the group who called themselves 'The Marauders' were in, the ridiculous group which was filled with what the Black's call, blood-traitors, half-bloods, and mudbloods. the four boys were, Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew.

"Well, well, well." Said James Potter, "look who's here, did you miss me already" Sirius said with a fake pouty face at his younger sister. "Ugh, don't talk to me you blood-traitor," Aspen said harshly and giving him a glare that could quite possibly scare the dark lord or kill someone, in response to him, Sirius just stared in shock for a second at the fact his sister spoke to him just like his parents had, but quickly hiding his shock and pain that his sister whom he used to be quite close with by grinning and glaring back at her with almost the same deadly glare as hers but not quite. She heard another voice start speaking to her, causing her to break what seemed like a glare off between the two siblings and now glaring at the other boy, when the boy she had just turned to, (James Potter), saw her glare he slightly shuddered, trying to make sure Aspen nor Fleur noticed he continued what he was starting to say as confidently as he could while looking into the younger girls eyes which were a beautiful icy blue but colder than ice and looked as empty and lonely as a large dark room containing nothing inside and no escape.

"Don't speak to him like that! Your just as stupid and naive as the rest of your family with your whole "I'm a pureblood I'm superior" James said in a mocking tone, he was about to continue but Remus stopped him before it got out of hand. Aspen's eyes had a slight hurt and shocked flash that was barely noticeable but the boys saw it, with that slight flash in her eyes they saw what she looked like sad and vulnerable, but in a matter of a second she returned back to the emotionless girl she was trained to be and shot him a nastier, colder glare, sending the four boys shivers down their spine and give them goosebumps, although Aspen didn't notice as she said, " how dare you talk to me, you and your whole family are blood-traitors! It seems fitting that Sirius would become friends with you as he seems to love being a blood-traitor and hanging out with other blood-traitors and mudbloods" Aspen harshly spat out, in response to James.

Fleur was just watching the argument while grinning at her best friend. Fleur was also raised by a family of pure-bloods who believed in the same things Aspen's family believed they also followed the same rules, although Fleur was like Aspen they both believed in it but not as strong as their parent's they also thought some things were a bit much, but of course, would never speak of this out loud seeing as they only cared about pleasing their families, which meant they could never say that they thought their beliefs were a bit over the top. The two girl were both in Slytherin like the rest of their family was and had wanted for them, this didn't mean they couldn't be nice, they could be super sweet when they wanted to, but also cold enough to freeze water when someone crossed them in the slightest manner.

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