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Tadashi pulled up into the parking place, taking a deep breath in and out, butterflies in his stomach, oh how he hated this.

But...it...was for Kei, he thought, biting his lip.

He left his car, making sure he locked it, shoving his keys in his jacket pocket, feeling more and more nervous as seconds passed.

He knew something was really wrong, coughing up blood and mucus wasn't normal.

He twisted the door knob open, shutting it behind him.

Tadashi walked up to the front desk, nervously playing with his fingers.

"Uh, hi, um I'm here for an appointment, a blood test and um..the other thing" Tadashi spoke up, clearing his throat nervously.

"Name?" The male asked, shuffling through his files, not even bothering to spare Tadashi a glance.

"Um, Tsukishima Tadashi" He responded, taking out his wallet, sliding his i.d over to the male.

He took it observing the card, glancing back at Tadashi to make sure he was the one on the card.

"Alright, please take a seat, The doctor will call you up when it's time" he said, dismissing Tadashi, who nodded, walking over to a chair, taking a seat.

He took out his phone, pulling up google.

Is it weird to cough up pink foamy mucus? He typed, nervous for the response.

He shivered.

He didn't like the responses.

Shutting off his phone, Tadashi tucked it back into his pocket.

Suddenly, his throat felt itchy, like he needed to cough.

Tadashi began to cough, grimacing at the pain in his throat.

He pulled his arm away noticing the same weird pink substance.

He made his way to the washroom, washing the liquid off, disgusted by it.

Once he returned to the waiting room, he took his seat, waiting for the doctor to make his appearance.

Five minutes later, The doctor made her appearance.

"Tsukishima-san? Hi, I'm Utaro Aiko, please follow me" She said, beckoning the male.

He nodded nervously, following the female, tripping over his feet as he followed her into the room to get checked.

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