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It's been two years since Yamaguchi and Tsukishima got together

However, a year later Tsukishima proposed to Yamaguchi who accepted it happily.

And now, they were happily married...living together in a house they bought together.

"I'm home" Kei announced, slipping off his shoes.

"Welcome home" Tadashi greeted beaming sleepily at his husband.

"How's practice?" He asked, walking back tiredly into the living room, entering the kitchen, Kei following closely behind him.

"Ah, it's alright, how about you? What have you been up to?" Kei asked, leaning against the marble counter, watching Tadashi stir whatever he was cooking in the pot.

"Well, I've been looking for some jobs, doing some cleaning and well cooking" Tadashi responded, humming 'you are my sunshine' weakly under his breath.

"Really? Sorry if I'm not helping out in the house" Kei apologized, walking up beside Tadashi who muttered a tired 'it's okay'.

"Need any help? Maybe you should lay down, you seem very tired nowadays '' Kei offered, watching as Tadashi let out a tired yawn.

"You sure?" he asked, sleepily, turning to his husband.

"Yeah, go lay on the couch, I'll call you when dinner's ready." Kei said, shooing his husband from the kitchen.

"Okay," he sluggishly headed to the living room, laying down on the couch.... Instantly finding it hard to breath.

He narrowed his eyes, feeling an odd stinging sensation in his chest, he started coughing.

Wheezing really, covering his mouth with his arms, squeezing his eyes shut as his chest continued to sting.

He pulled his arm away noticing a mixture of pink foamy mucus and blood-tinged phlegm, he bit his lip.

What the heck? He quickly stood up and headed to the nearest washroom washing his arm and elbow, shivering as cold water came in contact with his skin.

"You okay?" Kei called out, causing Tadashi to freeze.

"Yup!" Tadashi called out nervously, drying his arms.

He quickly exited the washroom and went back to the living room, suddenly feeling dizzy.

He leaned against the doorway, trying to collect his breath.

Why was he dizzy all of a sudden? He groaned, feeling weaker and more lightheaded as seconds passed.

"H-hey..K-kei" Tadashi called out, feeling his eyes slowly start to close, he felt tired.

"Yeah..? T-tadashi-?! TADASHI!" Kei yelled as Tadashi's world turned black, passing out.

When Tadashi awoke, he found himself laying on their bed, Kei sat on the bed passed out, fast asleep.

He shot up,heading to the washroom.

Once he finished, he washed his hands, heading back into their room.

"Tadashi...? Are you alright?" Kei asked, letting out a tired yawn.

"Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry about me" Tadashi said,making his way back to the bed, snuggling up against Kei's side.

"I booked an appointment for you tomorrow at 1, I'm sorry I can't come. I have a shift" Kei apologized, wrapping an arm around Tadashi's waist.

"It's okay, but do I have to go? Appointments make me feel anxious" Tadashi confessed, intertwining their fingers, admiring his lovers calloused hands and the ring on his finger.

"You do, you've been fainting, you haven't even been eating but you're mysteriously gaining weight, you always go to the bathroom every what? 10-15 minutes? You always seem weak and get tired easily, your legs, ankles and feet seem to swell up all the time and you're coughing all the time, so something's not right darling, you need to get checked" Kei started, watching his lover's face for a reaction, noticing the anxious and surprised look on his face.

You've really been watching, huh? Tadashi thought, biting his lip.

At least he doesn't know about the blood and the disgusting foamy thing.

"For me please" Tadashi sighed, he looked up at Kei, noticing the pleading look on his face.

Tadashi sighed, "Alright, I'll go," he murmured, watching a smile make it's way on Kei's face.

"But right now, I just wanna cuddle, no more appointment talk, m'kay?" Tadashi said, cuddling against Kei's chest, sighing contentedly.

"Alright no more appointment talk, just cuddling" Kei whispered, tightening his grip around Tadashi as if it was going to be the last time they'd be cuddling without the constant worry of death waiting at their front door. 

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