Enemies with benefits O.W

Start from the beginning

I poke my tongue out to gently lick one of his thumbs.

He jerks my head towards him, our noses touching "I fucking hate you."

And he releases me, pushing me back so my hands support me behind my back onto the table.

He shakes his head, and leaves me on the table.

Oliver and I didn't actually 'hook up' until sixth year. Until then, occasional sultry make-outs in the library or in the Slytherin dorm room we managed to sneak into, was our forte.

We established rules, and what our relationship was around the third or fourth time we met up.

He said five rules:

- No meeting up if the other is in a relationship

- Tell no one / show no one

- If feelings get involved we're done

- Condoms always

- My virginity is his

And it was his.

He wanted it, and I wanted him, so I gave it to him.

My seventeenth birthday Oliver Wood took me in his bed, unexpectedly gentle and kind.

I didn't have his.

Alicia Spinnet had his.

He told me it was during one of our 'breaks'. Therefor, I couldn't be upset, but I was.

Telling 'no one' is probably the easiest rule. We both have reputations to maintain, both with each other and ourselves. Oliver's a the captain and the Keeper of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, with his Half-Blood family and harsh but intelligent personality. I'm best friends with Pansy Parkinson and Draco Malfoy, arguably the people Oliver hates the most. If anyone ever found out about the situation we have going on, we'd both be done for.

Now the hardest rule is no 'catching feelings'. There's always some sort of tension involved that's other then sexual. I always feel like the kisses and gazes are too intimate to be 'just friends', or I'll catch myself trying to impress him outside of our escapades. Even occasionally he'll take me to a dorm just to give me a gentle kiss and I'm stuck thinking "What are we doing?"

Oliver is almost always the one to initiate a hook up. Pushing me into a closet, into a bathroom, into a dorm, coming to MY dorm, pulling me to HIS dorm, occasionally in the library, in an empty hall, Myrtle's restroom, the towers, the Quidditch pitch restrooms, a Hogsmeade bar or two, and once even the Forbidden Forest.

So in conclusion, a lot.

I decided after the first few times that never would I ever make him feel less then with me. I wanted to make him feel powerful, in control.

And he was just that. Even though I controlled what we did and didn't, he controlled how he did. I drew the lines but he was allowed to color within them any color he wanted.

Now the relationship portion. We always, always, follow that rule. When Oliver was with Alicia, we followed it. When I had a one week fling with Fred, we followed it. When he hooked up with a random girl in Hogsmead, we followed it. And now that Oliver's with Angelina Johnson, we're following it. It's been two months since they've gotten together, three since we've stopped.

It's been considerably easy given the fact that beside the sex, we hate each other, and I don't mean the cute flirty 'I hate you, hehe' more like the 'I will bully you until you want you cry' kind of I-hate-you.

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