A drunken mistake C.D

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Three years, you've been married to him... the Golden Boy, Cedric Diggory. The two of you met your first year at Hogwarts, both Hufflepuffs who came from powerful pureblood families. The two of you were fated to end up together, after the battle at Hogwarts he proposed to you. He didn't want to wait any longer to have you as his, forever.

Life with Cedric was like a fairytale, you were his world. He adored you in every way. The two of you were never not wrapped up into each other, smiles adorning both your faces as you stayed up late talking and kissing until the sun shined its way through the curtains of your shared bedroom. Everything was perfect between you guys, of course there was only one other thing that would perfectly complete your love story. Children.

You guys have had the kids conversation many times before, it would happen when it happened. There was no rush to start a family with Cedric... when the day came you two would love the little witch or wizard that was the result from your love. What you didn't know was that day would come sooner than you expected.

Positive. The word stared at you on the pregnancy test you had in your hand. Many emotions ran through your mind, but you only focused on one. Happiness. Happy because you were carrying a child from the man of your dreams. Your best friend since you were eleven years old. There wasn't anyone more perfect than him. Your mind filled with images of Cedric and your future son/daughter, your heart practically melted at the idea of him being a dad. You know he would be the best father to your child.

You decided to surprise Cedric with the news, grabbing the now cleaned test and putting it in a box that you wrapped with a little bow. It was dark out already so you assumed he was just working late, with that thought you put the box under the bed on your side and laid there to wait for him. Due to all the excitement you felt drained deciding to close your eyes just for a bit, falling asleep soon.


Cedric was tired. Tired that his boss made him work overtime, leaving you alone for the third time this week. He hated walking through the front door and seeing you curled up on the couch, obviously waiting up for him but falling asleep due to how late it was. 11:32, read the big clock tower. He knew you were probably asleep already, he didn't want to have to see your tired face just yet it pained him to imagine you missing him. So he decided to get a drink or two at The Leaky Cauldron, wanting to get rid of some of the stress from his job. Walking in he takes a seat at the bar, ordering two shots of Fire-whisky, instantly downing them and feeling relaxed, forgetting the problems of his day.

Seven shots later and he's feeling warm and light. He ordered another two shots not wanting to lose this feeling just yet. After downing those two, a girl with brunette hair walked up to him and instantly wrapped herself on his arm. "Hey there, handsome" she purred into his ear, making a drunken smile appear on his pink lips. He pulled back to study her, she was about a few inches shorter than him and she was wearing a tight black dress that hugged her curves perfectly. Her lips were a crimson shade that made the green in her hazel eyes pop. He liked the attention he was receiving from the girl so he ordered another two shots, as he handed her one they met with their shot glasses together in the middle of them with a clink-ing sound. He watched her throw back the liquid as she put the glass down that was now decorated with her red lipstick.

Before he knew what he was doing, his lips were on hers. The kiss was messy and rough, she nibbled on his bottom lip and slid her tongue into his mouth trying to win dominance over the brown-haired guy. He grabbed the back of her neck and pushed her till her back hit the wall by the bar and she gasped at the contact. With this new advantage he swiped his tongue over hers and deepened the kiss, it wasn't until he bit her lip and she moaned that Cedric realized what he was doing.

He was kissing a girl. A girl that was not you. Y/N, his wife, his best friend.

Instantly, he pulled away from the girl who looked up at him with wide eyes that were swirling with lust and confusion. He turned away from her grabbing his coat and leaving the bar, and the brunette who was yelling at him to come back.

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