"Listlen to me! You wanted to be an Autobot Titan because of us, because we are the guardians of this world. What would he have done now? What would a real hero do?" Windblade shouted

"guardians of Human World to see the universe without fear, without hesitation. Because he needed was the right thing to do" Metroplex said almost reached into the Exosphere

"If I am to be worthy of him.. of the name "Titan" can I do less?" Metroplex gives the Sword of Primus to Windblade

Now, Metroplex moves to Trypticon down and begins the re-entry of the Massive Impact, Metroplex's system is offline, he is going to die

"Arrhhh... so this is pain. But suffering it for the good of all... makes it easier to bear" Metroplex is grunting while holding Trypticon

Before Windblade's startled eyes, the body of Metroplex dissolves in the burning into the atmosphere

Only the Sword of Primus remain feeding it's own power back

"By the Primes, honor to the Mighty Titan" Windblade prayed to Metroplex

Windblade activates the Sword of Primus into the Ark's main core

"Go, Windblade, You and the others must live. And the Ark must rise again!" Metroplex said with his last words

"Windblade, the others are locked in battle with the Decepticons" Pinkie shouted to Windblade

"We must gather them in escape Metroplex's Impact" Jazz said

"But the Sword of Primus, what will happen to it?" Windblade transforms to jet and she's ready to leave

"I don't know but life in Trypticon is ending and if we don't leave... We'll end with it" Jazz said and transforms into a car driving with Pinkie Pie

Even as a new one, Windblade and the Magnificent Nine & Mane 9 flee the mountain the Massive Impact begins

"Away, Autobots, Ark awakens. We have one" Acid Storm said

"What are you talking about?" Rodimus asked and grunted with her blast

"Amazing if I could trap into this impact I could. Wait... Yes, I see it now it's so simple. I can control the burning, If I..." Now a blasts grunted Thundercracker, teleported into a Space Bridge in Cybertron.

"The Humans have been evacuated, but we'll never make it out in time!" Sunset said to Rodimus while trapped to the Impact

"Yes we will. Here come our rides!" Rodimus see the Three Autobots and Three Humans riding their own powerful vehicles

"Never had a chance... and neither do we, Megatronus betrayed us! He knew this impact would blow when Ark awoke and never warned us!" Starscream runs fast into the Space Bridge and leaves the Human World

"No... It's not possible it's come trick by the Autobots" Acid Storm said while he's in jet mode

"Stay here and die if you like, Acid Storm but I won't! Ion Storm go and get out of Trypticon's base!" Starscream shouted during flying

"Find your won way out, you fool you'll only slow me down!" Ion said while he is lazy

"Ion Storm, come back here! Don't!" Starscream shouted while Ion Storm leaves

"Come back" Indeed... what do I have to gain by saving them? When I make it out of here, Megatronus will see that I am his most trusted Commander! He'll see-- AHHHHHH!" Ion Storm scream and he died

No, he won't

"It's gonna blow, everyone! Take cover!" Applejack shouted to the eighteen teammates

"We'll make it to the cave!" Sideswipe pointed seeing the cave for cover

"I think you're terrible bad it would look on the wall of history if we don't!" Sideswipe said

now a big impact begins

"What about the Decepticons? Should we try to help them escape too?" Starlight said to Rodimus

"If we go back for them, all of us will die Autobots and Decepticons alike, they lit this inferno, Starlight let them burn in it" Rodimus said while riding his hoverboard

As the impact blows builds the full strength Metroplex transformed into a place where no one can hope to survive. Only the speed and power of the three vehicles with the Autobots and the Mane 9

Now a massive wind blows stronger during a big impact

"Hang on! We're almost out!" Wheeljack shouted while riding StarJet

Just as the blowing reaches it's full strength, the Autobots and Mane 9 escape the impact!

"Hey! What's with the shake and shudder?" Sideswipe asked

"I think it means we did our job, friends" Sunset said to the Magnificent Nine and Mane 9

"Let's head to Cybertron it's time to go home" Rodimus said to the Magnificent Eight

Starlight leaves the Human World when she is done working their fight, she returned to Equestria and the Mane 7 stayed on Canterlot High School, and Trixie changed back into normal

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