Grounds of Rainmakers

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Seven heroes, the Magnificent Seven have come to Canterlot City to awaken the Last Autobot Ark. However, the Decepticons, enemies of Autobots are fighting to stop them.

The battle has raged in the skies, elemental energies and the power of sun against the devastating force of midnight

But what of the rest of Canterlot City and what of the five Autobots?

Rodimus, Chromia, Jazz, Ironhide & Sunstreaker who left to explore it, they discovered a vast tall forest a world of strange twisted robots forms and ground of course

The real problem with a forest is, you never know what might work just beneath the surface

Rodimus, Techno-Organic Element of Fire

"There's a lot of grassy to search, good thing Chromia, Sunstreaker, Ironhide, Jazz and I split up. Hopefully one of us will spot the Sword of Primus, or one of the Omega Keys we seek" Rodimus said while riding his upgraded Fire hoverboard use for his weapons

"Wait a moment... What's that?" Rodimus stops and see closley to the tall mountain

"Whatever it is. It doesn't look like it belongs here" Rodimus a crash site outside the forest,

A ship at the back of five nozzles, It was the Autobot ship crashed before 4 million years ago

"Did the Autobots lived here or died in the crashed?" Rodimus questioned

"We were told before we came here there was a weapon in Canterlot City. We can use to finish our mission. Maybe it's in there worth checking out" Rodimus said while he walks to the crashed ship

"Yiiiiiii!!!!" Rodimus zapped from the shield generator

Unfortunately that is easier said than done, for the structure is surrounded by an invisible barrier of energy as Rodimus just found out

Rodimus flees away to the mountain and banged down to the forest again

"And what do we have here? A brave and Autobot Daring Hero. Fallen at the feet of Decepticon Ion Storm" Ion Storm see to Rodimus

"Do you know why we Decepticons hate Autobots so much? It's because you are what we could only pretend to be, once upon a time heroes who do good for no reward. And so we call you fools, and even slay you... because we cannot be you" Ion Storm said

"Am I supposed to pity you. After all the evil you and your kind of dine. I don't think so share your burdens with someone who cares Decepticon" Rodimus said his feet move to his hoverboard and splits to form the Flame Sabers

"I ask nothing you, Autobot, I only thought you'd like to know. Why it is you have to die?" Ion Storm use his snowy cyclone from Rodimus' head

"Ugh, so cold... weak..." Rodimus grunted

"Whatever you doing my strength is fading fast. Just let the signal for help" Rodimus' left arm for the sword to block the cyclone, and the other arm, lifted up to make a signal pillar of fire

Rodimus POV: But if one of the others doesn't see in time, the Mane 8 are going to need a new leader

In another part of the vast forest

Holomatter Chromia using her Techno-Organic Armor, with a blue coat, dark blue breastplate & light blue with rectangular red bracelets

"Yes! The humans said we need to find seven Omega Keys in Canterlot City they will tell us how to awaken the Last Autobot. And I think I see one now" Chromia said

"But I've never seen a tree like that one before, it clings to the Omega Keys. I could guarding a treasure" Chromia see the metal tablets inside the tree

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