" So it's not because it wasn't working?."

" if it wasn't you would have fallen pregnant two years ago." she sighs.

" it's okay love."

" please lift the gown up."  I help her lift the gown up and the doctor squirts the gel on her stomach and looks at the screen.

" do you feel any pain, like you want to go to the toilet?."

" No i don't feel any of that." the doctor nods.

" are you bleeding heavily?."

" at first I was but now I'm not."

" There is a sign that you were pregnant mrs gumede and I am sorry mr and mrs gumede but you lost your baby." She looks at the both of us.

" looks of it you were a month old into your pregnancy...." Luh closes her eyes and grips my hand really tight. "....the uteras is now empty and it doesn't look like you will need surgery. We usually do a minor surgery if you have heavy bleeding, significant pain or if there are sighns of infection in your uteras but that won't be neccesary."

" so everything is okay with my wife?."

" it is mr gumede. We have what we call ' watch and wait " expectant or natural management that we recomend in early pregnancy. What it means is you can either go home or stay here at the hospital until the pregnancy tissue has passed itself from your womb. It can happen quickly or it may take a few weeks but in your case mrs gumede I don't see the need to keep you here. However mr gumede please make sure that she doesn't do anything strenious that will put pressure to her uteras or even stress." I nod.

" will I still be able to have kids?."

" of course you will. You are young mrs gumede and perfectly healthy. I don't know how you miscarried but things like these happen. You will have many more kids. As much as you want to have. All I can advise is maybe don't be intimate for atleast a month so she can heal mr gumede." what the hell? A whole fucken month?.

" Thank you doctor." I say. She wipes the gel on luh's stomach.

" Here is your medication that you will collect from the pharmacy before you leave. It will help you." she says and leaves.

" hey don't cry love. We will get through this together I promise you." I wipe her tears. She sits up. I wrap my arms around her and let her cry.

" Some part of me just thought.....maybe just maybe there's a slight chance...."

" I wished that too love. Go get dressed." she goes to the bathroom to change and I wipe my misty eyes.

She comes out and I go in to change too. I come out she's with the nurse and she makes me sit on the wheel chair and they wheel me out to the ex-ray room where the doctor is already waiting for me.

They put me in the ex-ray machine, I lay down and it moves over me. It moves up and down until it stops. They move me of it into the wheel chair and back to the room we were in. I go to the bathroom and change back to my clothes.

" mr gumede." she says when i walk out closing the bathroom door. " sit please so we can remove the bandage."

I sit on the bed and let her cut it off. I can feel air on my face.

" Your CT-Scan shows that your brain has reduced to its' normal size and what shocked us as well was that your vetebrae bones have also pushed themselves back in line. Mr gumede when you came here we took you to ex-ray sh we can see what damages we were facing and it was scary because you are suppose to be immobile right now. But then you woke and started walking and now the ex-ray show that you are perfectly fine like there was nothing wrong with you and that is still shocking. It almost seems as if the ex-ray results were not showing us your results."