Chapter 15

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     "Minnie!" Lauren said happily as she threw herself into her brothers arms, "Yesung oppa! Ryeowook!" she hugged each of them with a big, bright smile on her face, "You're back!" 

        "Of course we are." Ryeowook laughed. 

        "Hey, how come I don't get any hugs?" Kyuhyun pouted. 

        "You get them too often." Lauren told him. 

        "Like now?" he asked as he picked her up and swung her around. 

        Yesung groaned, "Cheesy." he muttered. 

        "Now Yesung," Sungmin said sternly, "You are also very cheesy when we are alone or with Lauren, isn't that right Lauren? Lauren?" but Lauren wasn't listening, she was staring into Kyuhyun's eyes, which were practically glittering with desire, "Oh no you're horny." Sungmin groaned, "Get a room guys." 

        "I think you two are doing it too much from what I've heard from Donghae and Eunhyuk." Ryeowook said. 

        "Nah, we just three years of making love to catch up on." Kyuhyun said, smiling at Lauren fondly. 


        "You went to see her?" Changmin asked numbly. 

        Sungmin nodded his head in response. 

        "Was she....happy?" Changmin asked. 

        Sungmin nodded again, "And she misses you appa." 

        "What do you think will happen if I go see her?"

        "Just...don't say anything about Kyuhyun and I'm sure she'll be fine and very happy to see you." Sungmin advised his father, who smiled at him wanly, "Aish, when did my little boy become so wise? But I can't be nice to that boy, I just can't, Lauren may have forgiven him but I can't." 


        "I'm taking you somewhere tonight." Kyuhyun grinned slyly as he put his arm around Lauren's waist. 

        She nuzzled her head against his chest, "Where?" 

        "Sleepy?" he laughed, "I'm not telling you it's a suprise." 

        "Kay, lets go." before long Kyuhyun had parked his car in the parking lot of the amusement park, the one he had taken her for their first date. 

        When she saw where they were, her lip quivered, "What's wrong babe?" Kyuhyun asked, worried. 

        "Nothing, just a little shocked about the -um - leaving England so fast, and, um, leaving my friend Kibum without a goodbye." 

        "Oh, do you call him sometimes?" Kyuhyun asked.         

        "Yea." she took a deep breath, didn't Kyuhyun know that this place held bad memories for her? It was the place he had proposed to her, only to reject her later, but she was a proud girl, so she put her head up high and said, "Lets go in." 

        He took her on so many rides and was so sweet to her, "We have time for one last ride, ferris wheel?" he asked, it was actually more like a command. 

        No! She wanted to scream, the ferris wheel, the exact place he had proposed to her because he was forced to. But once again she held her head up high and said, "Okay!" 

        "We want this car." Kyuhyun told the man who was running the ride, it was the exact same one they had sat in three years ago. Why is he doing this? Lauren wanted to cry. But she sat down beside him in the car and the ferris wheel started. 

        "Still scared of heights?" Kyuhyun asked, smiling gently, "Like I said, look at the view, the city lights, it helps." 

        Isn't that what you told me once? What is happening? she thought frantically, but on the outside she nodded calmly and looked, when she turned back, there was a familiar sight, one she had seen years ago in this very spot, Kyuhyun holding a ring, "Marry me?" he asked. 

        Something inside of Lauren snapped, she couldn't take it anymore, the pain of having it done like this all over again, the exact same way, made her think that maybe this was a fake proposal too. And the memories....tears flowed down her cheeks and she screamed for the ride to stop. 

        "Baby whats happening? What's wrong?  Baby!" Kyuhyun said, cupping her face in his hands, "Babe!" 

        The ride stopped and Lauren jerked away and ran off, "Lauren!" Kyuhyun shouted, still holding the ring, people who saw him looked at him sympathetically, but he didn't care, he continued to run after her, but she was gone, he searched the entire amusement park and called her and texted her for an hour. Finally, he admitted defeat, she wasn't there anymore, "Shit!" he swore, he quickly dialled Sungmin's number, "Minnie I need your help! Did your sister call you or something? Do you know where she is?" 

        "YOU FUCKING LOST MY SISTER?" Sungmin yelled at the other end of the line, "Holy shit, okay calm down, tell me what happened?" 

        Kyuhyun told him. 

     "You stupid bastard!" Sungmin yelled again, "Doing it like that would bring back painful memories for her- oh my gods Kyu! Have you tried calling her?" 

        "Yea but she doesn't fucking answer!" 

        "I'll call her, oh hold on." Sungmin said, "She's- Lauren! Come here, come here my little Yoonri, Yesung, go make her some cocoa will you?" He and Yesung had gotten married and moved into their own house. 

       "She's there? Let me talk to her!" Kyuhyun insisted. 

        "No." Sungmin snapped, "Later Kyu, tomorrow, okay?" 

        "I need to talk to her now-" 

        "Fuck off Cho." 

        How had their friendship gone so wrong? From ruffling each others hair and singing together, joking together, sharing clothes, to fighting over someone and telling each other to fuck off. How had their friendship go wrong? It was because of one word Kyuhyun said to Sungmin's sister three years ago- No.



       *claps* i love making minnie mean. 

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