Chapter 13

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        "Wheres Lauren?" Changmin frowned. 

        "Um, probably still sleeping." Sungmin lied. 

        "Go get her then," Changmin told his son, "I've made an important decision." 

        "What decision honey?" Sooyoung asked. 

        "We're going back to Korea. If Kyuhyun came to find her here then we have to take her back." 

        "Omo! Really Mr Lee?" Ryeowook, who was still staying in there house instead of in a hotel, asked. 

        "Yes," Changmin smiled at the boy, he had always been fond of Ryeowook, it was a shame he was gay, or he would've made a perfect match for his daughter. 

        Sungmin, Yesung and Ryeowook exchanged glances, because Lauren was not there, "I'll go -um- get her." Sungmin said, getting up and awkwardly making his way to her room. He opened the door, just to make sure that last night had been real, that she had run away with Kyuhyun. She wasn't there, "She's not here!" Sungmin called, how could he lie that she was here if she wasn't? 

        "What do you mean she's not here?" Changmin asked angrily. 

        "I mean, appa, that she's not in her room." 

        "Well she's certainly not anywhere else in the house either." Sooyoung said, "I haven't seen anyone open her door since you three boys came out of her room last night." 

        "She's hiding in there! She must be!" Changmin said, sure he was right, "I had Tao and Lay guard her door all night she couldn't have gotten out! Tao! Lay!" he called, "Look for her." The two men nodded and disappeared into her room. 

        They came out a few minutes later, Tao shook his head, "Not here sir." 

        Changmin glared at the three boys accusingly, "Sungmin! You know where she went, don't you?" 

        "Of course not appa." Sungmin lied nervously. 

        "Of course Sungmin doesn't know," Sooyoung defended her son, even though she could tell that all three of them knew where she was, "She was mad at him last night, I heard them shouting." 

        "Whether or not he's lying, it doesn't take a genius to figure out where she went. She went with Kyuhyun, that good for nothing boy." Changmin declared, "Why would she go with him if he hurt her so badly? Because of his looks, thats all!" he roared the last part, causing everyone in the room to get nervous, "They went back to Korea didn't they? SUNGMIN?" he roared at his son. 

        "I-I don't know..." Sungmin stammered. 

        Yesung placed a hand on his boyfriends shoulder and whispered some comforting words. 

        "We're going after them." Changmin said angrily, "Start packing, we leave in two weeks at the same time Ryeowook does." 


        Lauren walked into the apartment that Sungmin had led her into 3 years ago. To her surprise, it was even more trashed than then. The floor was littered with cigarettes and empty beer cans. He seemed to have gotten three times as many games as he used to, and she swore the place smelt like a dumpster, “What’s this?”

                Kyuhyun muttered something about how he knew he should’ve cleaned up before bringing her back and then said, “I err, may have-“

                “Become the same way that you did when you broke up with Seohyun?” she raised her eyebrows. The truth was that even then this place was a lot cleaner, “Depressed? Smoked, drank, and played games?”

                Kyuhyun muttered a yes.

                “The first time I met you, this was what happened, and I helped you, and then you undid all my work and multiplied it by like 3?” She asked angrily.

                “I missed you a million times more than I missed Seohyun.” He answered simply.

                “Cho Kyuhyun, we are gonna clean this place up, ya hear?” she asked.

                “Can we go to my bedroom first?” he pleaded.

                “Fine, but then we clean up.”

                Pretty soon, they were a hot, moaning mess. Kyuhyun pushed two fingers into her hole and she yelled from both pain and pleasure, He pushed himself up a bit so he could still kiss her while doing that, and then he put in a third finger. He waited till she had adjusted before scissoring his fingers and pushing his dick in, “Faster Kyu!” She screamed as he thrust against her again and again. She forgot everything as he moved inside her, she forgot everything but his name. Kyuhyun. Finally, exhausted, he pulled out and collapsed beside her. 

        "We're gonna clean this place first thing in the morning, kay?" Lauren asked, pinching his nipples. 

        He groaned, "Okay." 

        "I'm gonna get a couple friends to help." 

        "Which friends?" he asked, a bit fearfully, Don't let it be Donghae and Eunhyuk. Don't let it be them. He prayed silently. 

        "A couple people, not sure if you know them? Donghae and Eunhyuk." 

        Shit. Kyuhyun thought, he couldn't bring himself to tell Lauren that he was not on good terms with them, he actually also wasn't on good terms with Ryeowook, but Ryeowook was a more passive person, but Donghae? Wow, Kyuhyun couldn't even count the number of times that guy had punched him.         

        "Why are you so quiet?" Lauren asked. 

        "Nothing, just trying to remember them from college. They were in your year weren't they?" He lied. 

        "Yup, 2 years younger than you an Min."

        "Oh, I don't think I knew them, I really can't remember." Kyuhyun said in a snappish voice. 

        "Hey hey, don't use that tone! I'm not suprised though, you didn't really pay attention to anyone at all." 

        "Yea," he said, staring into space, "That's right, never heard of them." 



poor kyu xD 


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