Fundy x male!reader

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trigger warnings: none

premise: In game AU, Fundy is feeling a bit down after another interaction with Ghostbur and begins to think he'll never really have anyone again; of course you can't stand by when your boyfriend is sad. 


okay so, obviously, foxes are natural predator's of rabbitsso the first time you ever really cross paths, one day your out in the woods (around where the country of L'manburg was beginning to take shape) gathering berries. and your going around, doing your thing, filling your basket, you know just a normal thinguntil you hear a noiselike classic movie scene, twig snaps at the wrong time noiseand you turn and behind you, half hidden in the foliage, is Fundyof course you didn't know that was his name at the time, but a fox hybrid was staring you down all the sameand your nose starts to twitch and your panicking, and then he moves forward like half an inch and you take offlike nyoooomm goneleaving your basket behindthe next time you ever see each other was when you were journeying into the newly made L'manburg, ready to do some trading, and get resources you wouldn't normally be able to findand a goat hybrid you just met called Tubbo is showing you from stall to stall, generally giving you the tourand then he's like "oh look theres Fundy, here, I'll introduce you!" bam your face to face with the fox hybrid who had been all but stalking you in the woodsand tubbos just talking about random things, clearly not seeing the tension between you toobut then tommy bursts out of no where demanding tubbo come with him for something, leaving you two alone, and naturally that freaks you out so as quick as you can you make an excuse to leave. eventually, Tubbo and Niki, who you became fast friends with convinced you to move to L'manburg properly, so naturally you doa lot of your time is spent trying to stay away from Fundy, and other than that, everything is greatbut then Wilbur announces the electionand everything you'd managed to build seems to crumble all at onceand Wilbur and Tommy are being exiled as Shlatt winsand because of your ties with Tubbo and Niki, Shlatt is insisting you join the cabinet. and it's absolute shityou don't know the first thing about helping run a government, (hence why before you were only a citizen), and every time you mess something up Shlatt flips outsuddenly it feels like the wieght of everything is on you because you have to try to convince Shlatt that he shouldn't shut down nikis bakery, and you have to keep Quackity from saying more stupid shit, and you have to stay away from the god damn fox who keeps looking at you strangelyand then one day you say the wrong thing in a meeting and Shlatt is PISSEDso you end up just awkwardly standing there as he hurls insult after insult at you, and you know, it escalates from thereFundy had just returned to the white house to drop something off, when he hears like a loud ass sound of something (or someone) falling, and then more yellingand so naturally he runs into Shlatt's office to find him standing over youimmediately, he runs in and like, shoves Shlatt, and puts himself between you, yelling, "Don't fucking touch him!" and essentially gets in a screaming match with Shlatt to defend youand shlatt, who lets be really is probably drunk, says some shit about how he's just committed treason and that the both of you should be exiled or some stupid shitand Fundy goes, "If that's what I have to do to protect him then so be it" and so you both end up going and leaving L'manburg, and you finally see that he's not badand ya know, maybe you catch feels

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