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It's been two days since Hisashi left, and they aren't sure when he's going to return. His mother had been in a fragile state since the fight. She's been holding back tears randomly throughout the day, giving him hugs when he least expects it. Overall, Izuku was concerned for his mom.

But he also missed his dad. He wanted to go up to his dad and ask how to fix the problem he undoubtedly caused, give him a hug and apologize for whatever he did. His father had never gotten mad at him like this. Sure, disappointed, but never angry.

But he's never yelled at him like that, either, albeit indirectly.

The atmosphere is tense between him and his mother. Not because they're upset at each other, but only because it's awkward and scared. Still, it was now a Monday, the fight having occurred on a Friday night. It was time for him to go back to school.

"Izuku, you have everything?" Inko called, and Izuku touched his backpack and lunchbox before saying yes.

"Alright, let's go, Izu." His mother grabbed his hand as they walked to the car, and once they entered Izuku got into his booster seat. His mother got into the car, and the drive begun. It was silent, only the radio buzzing through his ears before his mother abruptly lowered the volume.

"Izuku," his mother started, but she kept her eyes forward. "If your father tries to pick you up from school, don't go."

Izuku didn't understand. He's his dad, why wouldn't he go?


Inko took in a deep breath, "Just don't, Izuku. Things aren't great right now."

Izuku only nodded, and began to fiddle with his hands. Once they arrived, his mother turned around to face him from the front of the car. "I love you, Izuku." She said, and rubbed his shoulder. "I love you too, mommy."

Izuku got out of the car, and Inko gave out a small shout. "Have a good day at school, Izu!" Izuku turned around and waved at Inko, "Bye, mommy! I will!" He turned around and skipped his way into the school doors, and once he entered he made his way into class.

The halls were full of shuffling children, and Izuku tried to locate Kacchan. For some reason, he wasn't hearing the normal shouting that echoed off the halls. His questions on where he was were answered when he entered the class to his friends and the class surrounding him, the teachers looking on in wonder.

"Woah, Bakugo! I'm sure that's going to be a great quirk, someday!" His teacher, Mrs. Suzuki, exclaimed. There were small pops coming out of his palms, and Izuku let out a small gasp.

"Woah, Kacchan!" he yelled, and ran over. "That's such a cool quirk!" The way the sparks were ignited from the palms of his hands, how they gave an orange glow- they were so pretty.

"I know, Deku!" Kacchan couldn't keep his own amazement off of his face, eyes wide and a large grin on his lips. "I'm gonna be a hero with this!" He said, and Mrs. Suzuki laughed. "With a quirk like that, I bet you could be anything you wanted!"

"Izuku, did you get your quirk yet?" Izuku felt his breath stop, and his mouth suddenly became dry. He cracked a small smile, and began to twist his fingers. "I... Kacchan, I'm..."

Kacchan began to get impatient, and turned to face him fully now. "Izuku, just spit it out!"

Izuku clenched his eyes shut tightly, and could feel the sudden fear gnawing at his chest. "I'm quirkless, Kacchan." The class went silent, and he could feel their burning stares on his form.

Bakugo had shock all on his face, and his eyes were wide in disbelief. "But... you said we were going to become heroes..." Izuku felt the fear tighten in his lungs, and his palms began to get sweaty.

"Kacchan... I-I can still be a hero!" He let a nervous smile play on his lips, and his voice shook.

If it were possible, Kacchan looked more distraught than how Izuku felt. His eyes were empty, but they suddenly ignited with the familiar flame. His lips turned into a snarl, and Izuku...

"You're quirkless, you can't be a hero!"

Izuku doesn't know what he's done wrong. Why is everyone...

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Izuku..."

Why is everyone so mad at him?

"That's enough, Bakugo. Everyone, back to your seats." Mrs. Suzuki walked back to the front of the room.

Why is he disappointing everyone? Why does no one believe in him?

"Midoriya, get to your seat."

He moved dumbly, and tried to swallow the growing saliva. His fingers were tingling, and he took in a weighted breath.

Kacchan didn't turn to face his direction, only glaring at his desk in rage.

Later that day, during recess, they'd go to play outside. Kacchan would take the lead like normal, charging on with his new sparks. He'd ignore Izuku, only acknowledging him when he's yelling profanities at him.

Izuku would get the distinct feeling as if his life was beginning to fall apart.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2021 ⏰

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