Chapter 13 - Is this a dream?

Start from the beginning

"Wait, these aren't my clothes," I say looking down at the mystical dress I was now wearing

"My god this is stunning, it's like I'm in a fairytale," I say as I twirl around happily with a genuine smile on my face

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"My god this is stunning, it's like I'm in a fairytale," I say as I twirl around happily with a genuine smile on my face

Everything was perfect, I felt gorgeous, I felt like the real me.

I start humming the piccolo and theme song from the 12 dancing princesses furthermore dancing my heart out in the stunning flower field I was on. It felt like a dream, the most wonderful and perfect dream.

Evidently, I grew weary and decided to sit against the willow tree and make a handful of flower crowns among the blossoming plants that ought to surround me.

Not knowing how long I had been there for, I became so tired that I fell asleep mid making a crown

"I wish I could stay here forever" were my last words before I fell into a serene slumber upon the willow tree at which I gazed at the breathtaking beauty of before.

I did not know whether this was a dream or not but if it was, it was the best dream I've had since I was a small child. I actually slept, peacefully.

My eyes flew open as I sat up quickly now noticing that I was not in the same room as before, but I was in the room where I was when I first came to the Avengers compound, the walls were still covered with the light blue floral wallpaper that matched the plain white bed and navy blue blackout curtains with the Cream colored armchair in the corner.

Being too busy in my thoughts I hadn't noticed that someone had walked in.

"Oh you're awake," a lady said shutting the door

She had long red-brownish hair but not as fiery red as Natasha's, she wore a plain simple purple T-shirt with a grey zip-up jacket and black leggings, holding two mugs that were steaming.

"I made some ginger tea for you unless you would like a different kind," she says handing out the mug to me

"No ginger is alright, thank you...?"

"Wanda," she said giving a warm smile

"Thank you, Wanda," I say before I take a sip

"I'm sure you're wondering what happened and what's going on but you just sit there drinking your tea and I'll explain as best as I can, how does that sound?" Wanda spoke as she clasps the handle of her mug smiling

"Okay," I say nodded and sitting back a bit

"Okay, before I start to explain, what do you remember?" as Wanda takes a seat at the base of the bed by my feet, crossing her legs and making herself comfortable.

"Umm, mostly bits and pieces like when I watched Narnia with Steve and Nat along with waking up in this room when I first got here, then taking a shower plus going to dinner with you guys, then...*gasp* oh no, oh no no that's mortifying," I say putting my head between my knees.

"I remember having a panic attack in front of everyone at dinner, then running away." I sighed

"Yes, that did happen but you also have powers...........surprise,"

"Yes, that did happen but you also have powers.... surprise," Wanda said as she gave me a tiny smile

"I'm sorry what?" I say completely shocked and unable to comprehend what she had just said
"You have powers" she spoke calmly to me like she was nurturing a crying baby.
"HAHA is this some kind of joke?" I laugh
"I know it's a lot to take in Y/n, but we're all here for you" Wanda smiled
"There's no way this can be happening, I must be in some crazy ass dream that I need to wake up from," I say getting up from the bed and start pacing
"Y/n, this is no dream but when you were dancing in the flower field with the lake under the willow tree, that was a dream and I made sure you didn't have a nightmare and that you slept," Wanda says as she stands up and walks over to me seeing the panic in my eyes
"That's not possible, none of this is possible" I practically scream
"Come here sweetie" gesturing me to sit next to where on the bed as she sat down
"A lot of things are possible far more than anyone can Comprehend," Wanda said as she rubbed my back and brushed my hair with her hand trying to calm me down
"How did this even happen?" I say after a few minutes of silence after composing myself as much as I could at the time.
"Well, we found a video of you walking to school one day a couple of months ago...."
"And getting struck by a light beam," I say cutting Wanda off
"Yes, along with connecting that incident to the one that happened last week, in the flower field after you tried know," Wanda said trailing off
"But how did you know it was me?" I wondered
"The first or 2nd time?"
"The first, to start to with"
"I saw it, my brother and I got our powers from the mind stone, so I got the abilities to read, move things, fly, and manipulate minds. My brother got super speed, he was so fast that no one could see him" Wanda giggled a bit
"You were in a state of mind that made you frozen almost and we weren't able to get you out of it so I had to" Wanda sighed
"Oh...I see, what happened to your brother?"

I sensed that I hit a difficult subject for her, for Wanda has tensed up.

"He died, we were fighting a few years ago and he sacrificed his life to save Clint's and a little boy's. I guess that's the life of heroes" Wanda said looking out the window to the sky as we sat together in silence.
"I'm sorry Wanda...he may not be here physically but he'll always be in your heart," I say leaning onto Wanda's shoulder
"That is very true Y/n...very very true," she says putting her right arm around me
"So since I'm....different now, what will happen?"
"Well you'll live here until we find out what powers you have and train you to control them and you'll become an Avenger like us if that's okay with you" she smiled
"And I wouldn't have to live with Mark?" I say looking out the window into the clear blue sky, knowing that if she looked into my mind she knew who Mark was.
"Not unless you want to, but we all prefer for you not to. Our job is to keep people safe and that includes you Y/n" Wanda said turning to me
And at that moment I felt safe. For the first time in a long long long time, I felt safe.

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