Chapter 3 - The Saving

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    We landed on the field and saw a collapsed girl very petite. She couldn't be older than 15...maybe, laying in the crater that formed on the ground. The light beam was gone. The only thing that was still around was wisps of what looked like Wanda's powers but it was dark blue and green instead of red.

"Oh my Gods," Loki says shocked as he starts to run to the injured girl not before Steve stopped him

"F.R.I.D.A.Y do a scan real quick....what were not risking another alien trying to take over the world" as Steve somewhat glares at Loki

"To be fair, I was being forced to and I couldn't do anything about it and I'm sorry... again" as Loki rolled his eyes

"Scan report says she has multiple cuts and bruises, she most likely passed out from blood loss, has many self-inflicted wounds, also has had multiple broken bones that didn't heal properly, and she's extremely underweight, dehydrated, and is malnutrition."

"Oh God okay, Wanda or Loki pick her up with your powers so that we don't ruin the area, Tony try to get samples of that wispy stuff for Bruce, Nat get the first aid kit from the quinjet, Vision keep an eye out for shield they can't know about least not now everyone else just try to make it look like nothing happened.... Now let's go!" Cap orders

Loki's POV

She looks so delicate and even beneath all the dirt and bruises, she's stunning as a flower...My little flower... please be okay

"Thor or someone, call Strange we're gonna need more hands, tell him to get to the compound and get the medbay ready!"

Me and Wanda were holding the girl with our power but I noticed something happening to Wanda's powers

"Wanda hold still"


    "Look at the girl, your powers are turning dark blue and green when they are applied to the girl"

"Oh my... wait, Lok..."


I couldn't move to help her up cause I was using my magic to hold the girl up but Vision came to help her right away.

    "Wanda are you okay?!"

" head yea I think I'm okay I just felt weak all the sudden"

"Here I'll take you back to the compound" Vision pressed

"No Vis I'm fine, plus we need to hurry before S.H.I.E.L.D gets here"

    Everyone finished up, those who could fly flew back to the compound, and those who couldn't were going on the quinjet. Vision insisted that Wanda go on the quinjet since she fainted. It was a short flight back but once we landed it was go time, I decided to go into her mind to know what happened and why.


I heard yelling... a lot of yelling I couldn't move. I was frozen but still alive....I think. A room that's all I could see was a dark room with a single light with a strange figure in the corner.

"Why did you do it?" the voice said sternly

"Huh, who's there?!" I say trying to be brave even though I was terrified

"You didn't answer me, why did you do it?"

"Do what exactly?"

"Try to die or was that supposed to be some kind of explosion?"


The figure stepped into the light revealing his face a bit. I couldn't see much but I could see his emerald green eyes that looked serious but then softened into a concerning look. He walked closer to me and tilted my head up so I could see him fully and holy shit he was gorgeous but we just kept eye contact and I could sense that he was looking for an answer I was trying to remember what exactly happened and my eyes started to water and once that first tear dropped it fell into a river that I couldn't stop I sunk to my knees and sobbed I was too consumed with my emotions to notice that this man had fallen to the ground behind me and just hugged me causing me to lose it even more. He put one hand on my head and pulled me in while the other was on my waist keeping me close to him. I didn't know who this man was but I needed this, just this silent comfort from someone and I was so grateful for it.

Loki's POV

I made an illusion in her head, she was scared but a lot of people were scared of me. I normally didn't care but this was different....I felt bad that she was scared. I moved into the light so she could see me, I walked right up to her and took my hand to tilt her head up so we made eye contact. I peered into her (your eye color) eyes and tried to read her.

All I felt was her pain and a lot of it, the longer we gazed at each other I noticed her eyes started to water soon enough she fell to the ground sobbing, I didn't know what to do cause I'm not the best with emotions but I felt like I should help her, I've had my hard times and I had people there for me she seemed to have no one. I fell to the ground behind her and just simply hugged her, no words needed to be said I took one of my hands and smoothed her hair as she sobbed on me leaning against my chest.

This girl has me wrapped around her finger and she doesn't even know me.

Will I see the sun again? * discontinued at the moment*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin