A few days later she did run into a couple not so friendly ARMY. Although this time they didn't recognize her, she just overheard them talking badly about her and how she was ruining TaeKook's careers. She ended up leaving the store she was shopping at without buying anything after she heard them, not wanting them to spot her and realize who she was. They were the types of fans she had been warned to avoid at all costs.

Later that night she told her lovers about them and what she had heard them saying about her. Both of them comforted her and reminded her that she wasn't ruining their careers. And that they both wanted this just as much as she did so not to listen to those two.

The hate toward her and the maknaes started to die down after the post from the ARMY she met at the bookstore. Bang gave Taehyung and Jeongguk permission to slowly return to social media, though he asked Lyssah to wait a little bit to see how the fans reacted to the maknaes' returning to social media. If it went well then she could do so as well.

Both of them made separate posts within days of each other, receiving overwhelmingly positive responses from their fans. Everyone noticed how many of the fans asked how Lyssah and the twins were doing and if they could post about them. So many fans asked about them that Bang decided that Lyssah, Taehyung, and Jeongguk could open a shared Instagram account together specifically about her pregnancy and how things were going. They discussed it between the three of them before deciding it wasn't a bad idea and if they started getting hate on it they could either deactivate or block people. Lyssah created the account and gave the boys the login info so they could post whenever they wanted to. Her first post was a photo of her belly that Alex took for her. With BTS tagged in her first post and Jeongguk posting a link to it on their Twitter, it didn't take long for ARMY to find it and soon it had a lot of likes and the account quickly gained followers.

A couple of days later Jeongguk posted one of the photos from the trip to New Zealand of him and Lyssah together with his hands resting on her baby belly. He made sure to put "#AppaJK" so the fans knew that he had posted it. Taehyung posted a couple photos as well putting "#AppaV" so they knew it was him. They each had their own hashtags for when they posted, Lyssah's being "#BangtanBabyMama". And although Lyssah thought that Jeongguk and Taehyung's posts would get the most comments and likes, hers did end up getting nearly as many sometimes more. ARMY really liked the photos of her baby belly and any news about how her and the twins were doing. The one that got the most likes and comments was a post with two photos, one of each baby's heartbeat shown on a screen and the caption "Both babies are doing well. Strong steady heartbeats. First photo is Baby Jeon, second is Baby Kim."

There were other posts that got a lot of likes. Jeongguk posted one with a photo of him smiling widely while holding an ultrasound picture and pointing to a spot on it with the caption "Appa's little princess is growing good." This one sparked a whole bunch of comments because up until that point ARMY didn't know what the gender of either baby was. Within ten minutes "#PrincessJeon" and "#JKBabyGirl" were both trending. It left fans wondering about the other twin. Taehyung soon answered that question by posting his own photo of blue baby booties in his hands with the caption "Saw these and couldn't resist buying them for my little boy."

The internet was buzzing with the information that baby Jeon was a girl and baby Kim was a boy. ARMY were all really excited about any news they could get about the twins. Sure there were some mean comments but every time someone made one the rest of the ARMY would jump in and attack them as well as notifying BigHit so they could take care of any legal actions. After a couple of people were sued the comments stopped.

The three of them made sure to post frequently to keep their fans updated about the twins' development as well as Lyssah and the twins' health. Throughout the following month Lyssah, Taehyung, and Jeongguk continued to post and Lyssah even interacted with the fans that commented on their posts. She loved her interactions with ARMY and looked forward to them every day.

Pretty soon, Lyssah's birthday was around the corner which meant Taehyung and Jeongguk were trying to figure out gifts for her. But they weren't the only ones. Charity had been racking her brain for weeks trying to come up with the perfect gift for Lyssah. In the end, it was Jimin who helped her decide on a gift. He even helped pay for it. Since Lyssah wrote a pregnancy blog and now had the new Instagram, they decided to get her a new computer because hers was quite old. Charity picked out a nice MacBook Air for her and Jimin picked out all the accessories for it. Charity placed the order online using her debit card once Jimin had wired her the money to help pay for it and she had deposited it in her account. They agreed that they would do a video call when Charity gave Lyssah her gift so Jimin could watch her open it as well.

Once her birthday rolled around, Charity did all of the cooking starting with Lyssah's favorite breakfast. Then Lyssah did a video call with Taehyung and Jeongguk so she could open her gifts from them. They talk and laugh and TaeKook sing happy birthday to her before she opens her gift. Taehyung's gifts were a necklace, a bracelet, earrings, and a few cute outfits. Jeongguk's were outfits as well as some books he knew she wanted, movies, video games, and a couple of rings. Knowing how much she preferred simple things, they both made sure that only the jewelry and clothing were on the expensive side. That way they could still spoil her some.

After Lyssah said goodbye to her lovers, the other members took turns wishing her a happy birthday and watching her open her gifts from each of them until it was finally Jimin and Charity's turn.

Once they were all done and said their goodbyes, Lyssah updated her blog and Instagram. She made sure to include photos of her gifts and commented back to the ARMY that commented when she could.

Charity made her a really nice dinner and Alex made her cake and decorated it. They celebrated her birthday as a family before calling it a night. Lyssah took a bubble bath and left each of her lovers a thank you and I love you message then went to bed. It was probably the best birthday she had in quite a while and one she would not soon forget. 

An Unexpected Miracle....or Twoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن