It's The Best Moments We Remember

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   "Serena, it's getting late."

"It wasn't my idea to travel so far."

"Oh yeah…" I felt a little bit of sweat roll down the side of my face. In the rush to go to where I released Butterfree, I didn't realize how far we had actually traveled. "Well I came prepared, look."

I set my bag down and reached inside pulling out two tents.

"I guess we'll have to." I set up my tent while Serena set hers up. When I finished I started to gather some firewood, and stones to make a small fire pit to keep us warm for the night.

"All done, How are you doing Serena?" I looked over and she was still trying to get her tent up.

"Ugh, why won't you work!?" She growled at the tent then kicked whatever she managed to put up back to the floor.

"Um, need some help there?"

"What? No, I can do this by myself." She replied with her usual confident smile.

"I'm not saying you can't, I'm just offering some help." I grabbed the other end of her tent and together we set it up in no time.

"Here take these." I looked up and Serena was handing me a box.

"What's in here?"

"Food, you're not the only one who came prepared you know." I simply smiled and started to eat.

"Well it's getting late, we should go to sleep."

"Yeah, goodnight Ash." We both climbed inside our respective tents and slept, or at least I tried to. Thoughts were starting to drown my head, and I couldn't fall asleep anymore. Why did I remember only my journey through Kanto? If it's a major event that happened that caused me to remember, where did I need to go next? What would I gain? What would I lose? I kept thinking until someone opened my tent.

"Who's there?"

"It's me, I can't get any sleep."

"That makes two of us. Come in."

"I'm sorry, I'm just not used to sleeping like this, I'm more used to a comfy bed."

"Don't worry. Besides, it's only for one night."

"I know, I know." I could still see that it wasn't convincing her so I did the next best thing that came to my head.

"All right come here." I lied down and opened my arms to her.

"Are you sure?" There was a slight nervousness to her voice which I found cute, but I reassured her.

"Yeah, c'mon this way we'll both get at least a little shut eye." She slid into my arms and after a few minutes her breathing became steady, so I knew she had fallen asleep.

Time Skip: Next Morning

   "Wake up Ash."

"Huh?" I slowly got up and looked around. I had completely forgotten that we had camped out last night until I saw I was inside a tent.

"Let's go back, your mother is probably worried."

"Yeah, let's go." We quickly packed everything and set our way home. While we were walking by I could sense that something was troubling her. "What's wrong?"

"Where to next?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you remembered Kanto when you reached where you let your friend go, so maybe places of big events will help you remember."

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