This Isn't Me

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Marinette's POV
What is wrong with me. This isn't me. Why am I stammering so much. I'm not like this, I'm the schools player I don't fall for people. Not that I am falling for anyone. It's not who I am. Why am I acting like this? I can't fall for him, never again. Alya's right, he's no different. I can't become involved ever again. I just need to push him out of my mind, yea that's it. I just need to sleep with him and all these thoughts will go away, but god is he hot. Maybe I should talk to Alya, no that'd be a bad idea. She'd get so mad, after all we made a promise. Nino is definitely off the table since he's with Alya so he'd tell her everything. The only other person I can think of is Chloe. I shudder at the idea of talking to her but she may be able to help, she's fallen for someone before but talked herself out of it. Yea that's what I'll do, talk to Chloe.

"Chloe hey I need your help." I ran up to catch her before she left the school, I really needed to figure out what is going on inside my head.

"Hey Mari, what's on your mind today? Another dude your planning to break?" She had such an accusatory tone that quite frankly scared me little.

" Yes and no, it's the new boy. I don't know what's gotten into me I can't get him out of my mind." Chloes face changed so fast that I couldn't even tell what she was thinking anymore.

"Don't you dare hurt him, he looks so innocent and happy. Do not ruin that." She hissed at me and just walked away. 'Great who else should I go to?' Just as I was about to leave a hand grabbed mine and pulled me to the side of the school.

"Woah get your hands off me." I thought it was Kim again trying to pull a trick on me since I hurt him. He was always messing around with me but this time it felt like a different pair of hands. But as I turned around I saw a pair of green eyes staring at me.

"I-I Im sorry, I just wanted to talk to you again." He looked so innocent and cute. Wait no bad Marinette, he's not cute. He's just a plain simple boy, yea thats it. I felt a wave of anger overcome me and resisted the urge to kill him. I was not in the mood to talk with him, not after what he just pulled.

"I thought I told you to leave me alone, you really don't want to be messing with me." I raised my voice to get it in that dumb blondes mind. He looked upset once again as he did the last time we talk and I yet again felt bad.

"What if I don't want to leave you alone? Maybe I want you around." He said with a huge smirk on his face. 'Oh my god is he trying to get with me'. He's too close to me I need to get out before I do something I regret. His smirk reminded me of someone. Luka, No no not again. I thought I was finally free from him. I can't have this happen again, now I really needed to leave. I felt tears coming up and his grip tighten on my arms. Maybe he's not the sweet boy everyone thinks he is. I kept squriming until I finally was able to find a weakness.

"Just leave me alone please!" I yelled as I squirmed out of his grip and ran home crying. He reminded me too much of Luka and I couldn't handle it. Is he trying to mess with me, I can't tell but whatever his game is, it's working. I get home and flop down onto my bed with a huge sigh. My parents called up to me asking how my day was but I just ignored them. I didn't want to deal with this anymore. I had to call Alya, I needed her. I ran her up and she answered right away.

"Hey girl, What's up?"

"I-I need you, please something happened at school." I knew I was on the verge of a panic attack and I knew Alya picked that up because she hung up and 5 minutes later she was knocking on the door.

"Okay spill, what happened?" Alya said with her stern voice.

"The new boy happened." I really wasn't in the mood to explain it to her but I knew if I didn't tell her now I wouldn't sleep tonight.

"What did he do? I thought you were trying to intimidate him."

"I was trying to leave the school but he grabbed me and pulled me into the side of the school. He reminded me too much of Luka. He wouldn't let me go and held me there." I couldn't control myself anymore, I burst into tears and Alya just came and hugged me.

"He's not Luka, he's just a dumb boy that you'll break okay?" She sounded mad. Alya was the only one who knew what Luka did to me, I couldn't tell anyone else because no one would believe me. Everyone knew he was a player but he'd never hurt someone physically. That was until he came across me.

"Are you sure?" I said between sobs. I could tell that my parents heard me because they were calling up asking me what was wrong.

"Don't worry Ms and Mr Dupain, I've got her. It was just a bad day at school." Alya said in a reassuring voice, letting go of me.

"Thank you dear, let me know if you guys need anything!" Sabine yelled out.

"Alya, what if he knows Luka and was sent by him?" I couldn't see him doing that but anything is possible.

"Luka is long gone" Ayla reassured her and hugged her once again.

We had stayed in this embrace for who knows how long but I never let go and neither did she. We moved to my bed and started watching a movie to get todays events out of my mind. Frankly I didn't want to do anything but Alya made me. Soon enough I drifted off to sleep with Luka still in my mind.
Adriens POV
As class ended I saw Mari run up to a girl with Blonde hair. I hear her yell out her name. 'Chloe' huh where have I heard that name before. They looked like they had a fight and I sorta felt bad as the blonde just walked away leaving Mari confused. She was about to leave but before she could I ran up to her and grabbed her hand pulling her beside the school. She looked terrified. Did something happen in the past that made her like this?

"I-I Im sorry, I just wanted to talk to you again." I said in almost a whisper almost hopeing she would talk to me this time. I stared into her bluebell eyes as she stared back. She really was something else, he just couldn't figure out what it was that made him act irrationally.

"I thought I told you to leave me alone, you really don't want to be messing with me." 'Wow' that actually kind of stung, what is her problem? I did nothing to mske her hate me and all she has done is be rude.

"What if I don't want to leave you alone? Maybe I want you around." I smirked hopeing she'd get my subtle hint towards her. I really want to get toknow her and figure out who she is behind this act that no one else can see. She started squirming from out of my grip and tried to push me away. Something is definitly up with her and I'll figure it out whatever it is. She was trying so hard to get out my grip but I kept tighting. I needed her to stay here to figure her out. Something distracted me and she took an opportunity to get free.

"Just leave me alone please!" She finally got out of my grip and ran away after yelling at me. She looked like she was in tears, did I do this to her? What was her past like before this persona came out of her. I was determind to get it out of her. I shrugged it off and walked towards the silver car waiting for me, just like everyday. My dad was so over bearing it hurt sometimes but atleast I can go to public school now. I need to think of a plan to get Mari to talk to me and not freak out. Yea I just needed to take things slow, give her slight hints making her want more each day. I went to go eat supper, I was again alone as my father didn't give to shits about me. Something always came up, It's like he wishes I wasn't even alive. I quickly ate and went to take a shower to clear my thoughts. Natalie had come in to check and see if everything was okay and to tell my about my 'plans' for the next day. I rolled my eyes as she talked making sure that she got the hint that I didn't want to do this anymore. I could tell she noticed but she ignored it and walked off leaving me alone in my room. I headed off to bed with her stuck in my mind, unable to sleep. What had I done to her to make her cry like that, she was shaking so badly but I didnt register it until now. This isn't me, I'm a nice guy. Why had I forced her to stay there. After hours of tossing and turning I finally fell asleep.

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