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I've been put on Elijah finding duty

I found him but I'm watching him have a tragic maybe brake up with his girlfriend

it was greatly amusing to see Elijah be normal

now some witch who is pretending to be a vampire is convincing him to save her son

with a sigh I walk into their apartment "Hello"

"Who are you" Elijah asks

Antoinette blinks at me "You're youngest brother, Skule"

I smirk at Antoinette "when did you turn into a brother hopper....oh wait, it was me, Kol, Klaus, and now Elijah"

"Do not speak to her in that way" Elijah booms at me

my laugh gets loud "that would be a lot scarier if you knew me" before he can react I pull Antoinette's heart out

with a blink Elijah's gone

oh shit

I get to where Elijah and Klaus are fighting just to see Hayley burn to death

there goes fishy eyes

and Elijah snaps my neck


guess where the fuck I am when I wake up

another Chambre de Chasse with Elijah and Klaus


"Why is it always you two" I ask looking at the both

after Elijah and Klaus try to kill themselves and fail we go inside the Abattoir

a noise is heard

"Who's there" Klaus shouts "show yourself"

Rebekah and Kol come out

"Oh, Nik" Rebekah sighs "Always so dramatic"


"Bloody hell" Kol groans "My least favorite recurring nightmare"

I smirk at him "What's your favorite"

"I was in Corsica, drowning my sorrows about Hayley, and I suddenly dropped. What I wouldn't give to spend just a decade without being dragged into a godforsaken Chambre de Chasse" Rebekah says

Klaus turns to Kol "Suppose you were in a board meeting"

"I was waiting for my wife to come home from word. Once again, ripped from complete contentment for this. Suppose I'll ask teh obvious: piss of any witches lately?"

"Um....hatemongers who see Klaus and Hope as abominations to the vampire race" I answer

"You two are together" Kol says "Wow, hell if freezing over"

"The bigoted undead" Rebekah sighs "That's new. They must have a witch-for-hire"

"A witch that's spend enough time here to replicate every detail" Kol licks his lips "this is Elijah's prized Cheval Blanc."

Freya pops out of literally nowhere "The culprit may be closer to home. A witch who know the compound well and who doesn't trust us to stay away from Elijah. Someone who would risk everything to save New Orleans from Plagues"

"Vincent" Klaus says

"On the bright side, he'd never harm Hope. You, on the other hard, I expect he'll be shipping you all to the five corners of the world"

"Isn't there only four" I ask

I am ignored like always

"All our bodies" Rebekah says "He isn't here, is he?"

Elijah comes walking up "He is. I think I might have just found a way out of here"


"This wasn't here before. What is it?" Elijah asks looking at the thing

"It's representational magic" Kol tells "I expect there are keys, one for each of us, hidden somewhere meaning Somewhere connected to who we are"

"And for those of us who don't remember who war are" Elijah asks

"I'll give Antionette your regards" Klaus sneers

I sigh "Either shut up or I'm snapping your neck. Elijah follow me we're going the farthest away from Klaus. Kol come on"

"I don't want to go you killed Antionette" Elijah says

"To fucking bad" I smirk taking his shirt dragging him with me


"Ominous weather" Elijah states

"It's kind of what is actually happening in New Orleans" I sigh "Stuff from there is leaking in here" I hand him his journals "This might jog your memory. This is everything you deemed worthy to remember"

"You know, Klaus came to visit me at my bar in France" Elijah says "Rebekah, too. You and Kol did not"

"You kind of helped kill his uh wife" I say "and I didn't see anyone so..."

he stares at me then to Kol "I'm-"

"Let's not" Kol snaps

"The journals" I state "They contain information"


so apparently Hope didn't do this

Freya did this

also Marcel is here

"Hope asked for my help" Freya admits

Klaus is pissed "so you decided to lend a hand in her destruction"

that's when I leave the room because just no

gotta look for my key

I think I know where it is

that's when I walk in Sofia's room

going to the box I bought her about nine hundred years ago that's where she keeps everything I've ever written to her

drawling that Nik has done of the family hang on the wall

the box is open and the key is sitting their

once I touch it I wake up right beside Freya

"You're crying" Is all she says

my eyes trial to her "I have an idea that will help the family but you won't like it"

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