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"Like stealing candy from babies" Rebekah laughs

I give her a look "do you steal candy from babies a lot?"

"Yes, but I'm not finishes with this one" Kol counters

"Well, hurry up" Klaus instructs "we still have more ground to cover"

Rebekah sighs "What's the point of interrogation? We know their motives. New Orleans witches despise us. They always have"

"Witches are so judgy" I whistle

"Because you are beasts" the witch claims "Evil atrocities against Nature. Your kind has ruined this city"

"Case in point" I utter

"Yes" Kol chuckles "I'm the worst of the worst. So tell me, is your master going to save you from me?"

Kol and Klaus get in a fight about the Ancestors that I didn't really catch but it has something to do with seeing Davina so now we are going to talk to the Harvest girls"

"I appreciate you meeting with my brother and I" Kol gulps "And I'd like to make it worth your while. Dark Objects. The most powerful trinkets in New Orleans. Ad this...this is not even half of what I have"

"We're Harvest Girls" one of them says "we know what Dark Objects are"

"What do you want for them" another asks

"I want to talk to Davina Claire" Kol tells "Now, I know what you're thinking. Why help a Mikaelson?"

"Your brother murdered us" the first one says

"We are not Elijah" I give "Kol here was a witch himself back when we were human. He's taught many of you how it's done"

"We know better than to trust vampires" the second one scoffs

"The hallow is teh real enemy here, not me. Now-" I put my hand over his mouth "He just wants to talk to his ghostie girlfriend"

the first girl smirks "we'll make sure we will never see her again"

then they leave


"Suppose everybody's celebrating Elijah's rescue?" Kol asks while he and I are drinking against a grave "One big happy family?"

"Something like that" Rebekah says "You two should be here as well, you know"

"You three always get what you want" I mutter before taking another swig

"At least we have each other" Rebekah says "Kol, Skule...I'm going to stay in New Orleans. At least until we see this through. Can I convince the two of you to do the same?"

"No" I utter straight away when Kol says "I don't think I can"


some strange witch shows up

"I'm not in the mood for games, witch" Kol says

the witch smiles "What if I told you I could bring Davina back to life? For a price, of course"

the witch slices her hand and a scream sounds in Davina's tomb

Kol takes off

the Hollow looks at me "It's sad....you're life. I could give you purpose"

"You could kill me if you feel so bad" I sigh

"Fine" the Hollow says "Do what I say until I know your siblings are going to stop trying to kill me and I'll kill you"

Kol comes back with Davina

"Some would go to the ends of the Earth to protect their love" she smirks

"You let her go or I will rip you apart"

"I don't suggest that" I give looking between the two witches "They're linked so if you do that Davina will be dead again"

"If you want to keep her safe" the Hollow says "then you belong to me"

Kol pulls a face but nods and zooms off with Davina

the witch turns to me

"You know you're hot" I say "Ever consider a good fuck? It would make you less hostile?"

her lips curve into the first smile I've seen "are you going to be the one fucking me?"

a smirk plants it self on my face "I mean I am yours until this is over; your wish is my command"

she grabs my face and kisses me "Come on lover boy, let's go have hot sex on one of these graves"

"A witch after my own heart" I whisper in her ear

I used a different person as the Hollow btw; pictures up top


she gave me her....totem and we've been having a lot of sex

Kol's been put in charge of keeping the family at bay

I'm sitting in my apartment that I miraculously still have when the whole damn family bust in minus Kol

"Here for to totem?" I ask taking another sip on my drink "Kol can't do anything right"

"Has the hollow promised to kill you?" Rebekah sneers at me

"That and she's really good and fucking" I whistle "You won't be getting the totem"

"You really don't care about this family any longer do you" Elijah whispers "we've broken you"

Klaus just gives me that sad look he's been giving me

I roll my eyes "You won't be getting it because I already destroyed it" then I hold up the totem "Nice to see you all have so much faith in me. You can leave now"

they all leave

once I see them disappear down the street I quite literally jump from my window to the compound window

I find Hope in what was Klaus's room

"Hello" I say causing her to jump around "princess"

she opens her mouth but then her face contorts in confusion "usually I don't like people to call me that because my favorite-" she blinks at me "You're him"

smiling I sit beside her on the ground "Skule"

"How come I haven't seen you?"

"My son died for you" I reveal "I was mad for a long time"

"Tell me more about the stars" she demands

"anything for the princess"

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