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Nik and Elijah are arguing again about Finn's acquired body

"Let him die, Elijah" Nik sighs

Elijah glares "The witches want that body returned unharmed"

that makes his angry "And what else do they want? A parade? Free broomsticks for all?"

that causes me to chuckle "Would you two quit arguing for once in your Misérables lives"

"Oh" Elijah mocks "and how do you know we argue? You were gone for seven hundred years; only in contact with your precious Kol. Who by the way has ditched you"

the blonde girl from the other night appears beside us

"Who the bloody fuck are you" I ask looking her up and down

"A bloody fuck?" the boy asks walking out "You mean like when girl are on their monthly?"

"Acadian" the women sighs "Don't be barbaric and I told you to wait for me"

the boy glares at her Finn cries "Freya. Freya. Help me"

finally the boy speaks "So you can talk to Mikael the dush that basically all but handed me over to great Aunt Dahlia because he's your father but I can't see or speak to mine. That's so fair, aunty Freya. With each passing day you sound more and more like grandmother"

"I DO NOT; TAKE IT BACK" the blonde girl yells

"Freya" Finn says again

"Shut up, uncle Finn" the boy says "can I kill him now?" the chuckles "why am I asking you?" he kneels next to Finn "Bye, Bye, uncle. I hope this hurts" then starts chanting

"ACADIAN" the blonde lady yells

the boy's pendant glows black as Finn starts screaming in agony

he sits up "Who are you"

what the fuck

the blonde lady walks to the body Finn was in holds two fingers in a sweeping motion "sleep" then the dude falls unconscious

"What the hell did you do to him" Nik asks them both

the boy chuckles "oh, uncle Nik, I made Finn disappear because I'm awesome"

"Finn is safe from harm" the women tells "and his hatred of you can no longer do to damage to our cause"

"Our cause" Elijah repeats

"Yes" the women states "Ours. And now, if you three can stop arguing long enough, perhaps you'll allow your older sister to offer you a deal"

"First" the boy says "this is not my cause. The only cause is to reunite with my father and bring my mother back from the dead"

"Shut up, Acadian" the women sighs "You'll do as I say"

"Wow now you sound like Dahlia" the boy whistles "talk about the greatest hits"

she gives him a look then looks to my brothers "Whatever you think of me, brother, know this-- when I speak to you, it is the truth. If you have any doubts, remember that it was I who rescued Rebekah from the Fauline Cottage."

"And was it not also you who led Finn on his vile mission to take Hope's life?" Elijah counters

"That was him" the lady sighs pointing to the boy "He was jealous that Skule was giving the baby so much of his attention. He says Skule's attention is his and his mothers. He acted out but don't worry I have it under control"

"Yes" the boy groans "control queen is in action" then looks at us "I may have reacted harshly and probably shouldn't of threatened a baby....I really wanted to kill Mikael and Ester"

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