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I found where Rebekah is located and I have Davina ready to open it when the door flies open

a blonde girl walks out followed by a young boy they walk by

a dark girl comes out

"SKULE" the girl, who is probably Rebekah, says "You won't believe who those two are"


Rebekah, Nik, and Kol are arguing about something or another

they just told me that boy was my son

"Could we dispense with this fascinating dispute for just a moment and return to the subject of our supposed long-lost sister and nephew" Elijah says through the phone

Rebekah sighs "There's not much to discuss she said she was Freya and he said he was Acadian and then then darted off into the night"

"It's preposterous" Kol gives "I mean you did meet them in the mystical looney bin"

Rebekah nods "They could be anyone lying. But, she did seem familiar, somehow. Then there was the fact that he knew things about this family only someone of this family would know"

"Then how are they still alive" Nik growls turning to me "He was dead right"

I blink at the table "He had to pulse and no breath"

then he starts pacing "A question, as ridiculous as its possible solutions, given this family's annoying predilection for cheating death"

"I'm just telling you want they said, Nik" Rebekah sighs

"Did you happen to ask if by some similar miracle, our aunt Dahlia lives as well?"

they start fighting

"SHUT UP" I scream "If they are who they say they are we will find out soon. Until then the boy will not be harmed"

Nik nods at me "fine"


we're in the fucking with cemetery because Finn has been channeling our amazing parents

"We can't get in without Finn's blood" Kol groans

"Well, how to we disrupt Finn from channeling our parents in there if we can't even get through the bloody binging circle" Rebekah asks

"We're not here to disrupt Finn's power, we're trying to overload it"

I smirk "This is where your new body comes in Rebekah. You're a witch. You will be channeling us--all of us"

Nik walks into the cemetery

after awhile of Rebekah chanting channeling us Rebekah all of a sudden starts screaming

then things go black

when I wake up Rebekah is hugging Kol

"Why are we hugging?" I ask from my position on the ground

she runs over and topples on me hugging me "Because you two are glorious bastards"

Nik finally wakes up "tell me it worked"

"We else would she be on my like this" I snicker

"We did our bit" Kol says pointing to Rebekah "it is up to you two to track Finn down"

Nik sighs "I know in the last Millennium, we haven't always seen eye-to-eye. But, in this moment, I am reminded once again of something Elijah as always said Family is power"

I roll my eyes "can we skip the soft bit here and just go kill a brother?"

they all laugh

it's not funny


Elijah blew up our brother, Kol is planning something with his witch, Rebekah has gone coocoo for coco puffs, Nik is way to happy, Fishy eyes is getting married to some alpha werewolf, and I still haven't seen the missing son apparent

I walk into Hayley's dressing room to see her standing in a white wedding dress

"You look good, fishy eyes" I say leaning on the door

she rolls her eyes "why don't you or Kol like me?"

"Kol and I have never really been apart of the family" I tell "We've always tried but never made it. You come here and in nine months your more of family then we have been our whole lives" I turn away "I thought you would like to know your daughter just walked through the front door" then I leave

about thirty minutes later I walk back into the compound to see things in full swing

"UNKEY" I hear from a beautiful princess

Rebekah huffs walking towards me "she's been screaming for you for the last twenty minutes"

I take the princess "She knows what's good; she has taste"

"Nik wants you to watch her through the wedding seeing how she screams for you every thirty minutes"

"sure" I mumble "we're going to go take a walk aren't we princess Hope"

she giggles at me


I'm watching Elijah and Klaus have a silent fight

Kol is still gone to who knows where

the sod is choosing the witch over me

"Enough already with the family squabbling!" Rebekah finally bursts "Come on, Nik! Even you can see that the situation can become awkward"

I sigh "Nothing awkward about the mother of Hope living here with her baby daddy, love of her life, and husband"

the three of them glare at me

"Kol would have found it funny" I grumble

"Is little Skule missing his favorite brother" Nik glares "Maybe he's decided to give you a taste of your own medicine after you left for seven hundred years....oh wait you two were connected the whole time"

"Can you three at least try and stay focused on what's best for Hope's safety!" Rebekah groans

"I would like nothing more" says Elijah the same time Nik says "I am doing exactly that!" and I say "It's why I'm still around"

she smiles smugly "see? You three are on the same team"

with a roll of my eyes I stand "I'll take Hope again seeing as how you all are so busy with your plans. Don't worry we will stay in the Compound today"

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